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I woke up from Gerald's voice, "Get up or you'll be jobless!" he threatened jokingly and shook my arm. I put my head up, I groaned. "Oh, I took a nap." I mumbled. Today's pretty busy, we had a lot of customers and here I am! I just woke up from a nap in Gerald's office.

"You've been sleeping for about 30 minutes, do you want to go home and sleep for the rest of your life?" Gerald crossed his arms and scolded me like I am his daughter. "Oh my god, calm down. I'm awake!" I yelled as I was annoyed.

I got on my feet and made my way to the restroom, I fixed myself and retouched my makeup. I wore my mask and proceeded to organize the pastries and other things. The long haired guy aka Apollo and I have been going out lately. Today, we have decided to watch a movie at my place. And heck, I am nervous about it, but also kind of excited.

Gerald being Gerald, "Boo!" tried to scare me. I turned to him, "What do you want?" I rolled my eyes, I continued what I was doing. "Nothing. I just wanted to ask if you have plans after this" He said and leaned on the wall.

I shook my head, "Hanging out with Apollo." I simply said. "Oh okay, that's great." he clapped his hands. "How about you?" I asked him and made eye contact. "Well, I've been going out with this lucky person lately." he did that Debby Ryan thing. You know it?

I have noticed that Gerald's been busy these days, I bet he's hanging out with that lucky person, huh? I smirked, "Really? Who's that lucky person?" I raised an eyebrow, Gerald looked so flusehd that his ears turned red and his cheeks too.

He shook his head aggressively, "Nah-uh I ain't gonna tell you!" He stomped off and left me speechless. I got out of the stock room and noticed that we don't have as much as customers earlier.

I noticed that Gerald's been fixing his things, "Winter, you can go home now." he said. I removed my apron, "Thank God, it's been ages." I whispered to myself and got my backpack.

We bid our goodbyes and I straightly went to the subway station, after for a few minutes I got in my apartment. I removed my shoes and fixed the furnitures and cleaned the apartment up.

I took a quick shower and decided to wear my jumpers and a plain shirt, I also made sure my laptop was fully charged. I heard the doorbell. I looked at the mirror to make sure I look great at least.

I opened the door and his eyes met mine, "Hi Apollo, you're here." I cleared my throat, I can feel my cheeks burning right now. He looked down at me as I was shorter than him, "Hey I bought pizza for tonight!" He raised them, it kinda smells good though.

"Oh, thank you!" I thanked him.

"Come on in, make yourself at home" I opened the door wide and he entered. I watched him as he removed his shoes. I offered him a pair of slippers and he wore them.

Oh shit, my heart just moved when I saw him removing his shoes. He knew the famous Asian rule. That's a win.

He placed the pizza boxes on the kitchen counter, I looked at him. "You can remove your mask, by the way." I said. He removed them and his smile flashed before my eyes. I can not believe I am going out with this guy.

"Let's fill our stomachs before we watch, yeah?" I said. He nodded and went to the kitchen sink to wash his hands. After that, we started eating. "Your place is awesome." he wowed and examined his surrounding.

I smiled, "Thank you!" I responded. Good thing I cleaned shit today, it was kinda messy earlier not going to lie. "How was your day?" I said, taking a bite from my pizza. He looked at me, my heart skipped a bit.

"It was alright. Same old, same old. How about yours?" he grinned and took a bite. "Oh, it was tiring. But yeah, it's still chill though." I said taking my last bite.

We finished the pizza together and now we're sitting in my bedroom, "What? You play the guitar?" he said, crouching. "Not that much, my older sister bought that for me few years ago. You can borrow it if you want." I said, opening my laptop.

He got it on his hand and started playing with it, "What movie do you want to watch?" I asked. "Anything you like, your favorite movie can do." he said, still playing with my guitar.

"Alright! The Intern it is!" I said happily. This movie's really funny, I hope he's into comedy movies. I set it up and turned the lights off. I sat on the left side of my bed. He plopped down on the right side of the bed.

I covered my legs with my blanket, the movie started playing. Also, Apollo looked so good today! His half hair bun and sweater together with his joggers? Chef's kiss. He smells really good, too. As always.

The distance between Apollo and I have been bothering me, do I move closer to him or stay like this? It's kinda awkward though. Apollo cleared his throat, "Do you w-wan—" he stuttered and face palmed himself, getting shy.

"Yeah?" I looked at him, he removed his hand on his face. "Can I scoot closer to you, I feel like the gap between us is kind of awkward?" he said shyly, looking everywhere. I nodded quickly, "I know right? Sure!  agree with you" I cackled.

He chuckled and I scooted closer to him that our shoulders are touching,  it sent butterflies to my stomach. We watched together and laughed together. My eyes got a little bit droopy.

I closed my eyes and the banging sound from the movie startled me. I flinched and that's where I noticed my head was resting on his fucking shoulder. I quickly sat up straight, "It's okay, you can put your head on my shoulder." he smiled and opened his arms.

I looked at him for a moment to see if he really meant it, and he really does. I placed my head on his left shoulder, not really on his left shoulder but rather on his chest.

His arm touching my back. I sighed as it was so warm and I felt really safe beside him. He played with my hair which made me sleepy even more. His scent was so delicate and comforting, by the way.

"God, you smell absolutely fantastic." I mumbled under my breath, he let out a giggle, his chest vibrated. My eyes got wide open, realizing that he heard me. Ah, shit. "thanks." he spoke in hushed tone.

My hearing started to change as I was slowly drifting to sleep. Instead of hearing the lines in the movie, Apollo's heart beating sang to me.

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