first kiss

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kokichi wiped the sweat from his palms on his pants. he was about to go to his boyfriend's dorm to study for a test they had coming up.

saihara and kokichi had been dating for a while, ever since the simulation, the killing game. yet they had never kissed.

miu always made fun of them for that. kokichi would slap her on the head.

as he walked through the hallways, he thought to himself what saihara would do if he just up and kissed him. kokichi loved physical affection, but he wasn't so sure where saihara stood with it. sure, they cuddled a lot and gave eachother hugs here and there, but kokichi found he was always the one who initiated it. saihara showed his love more through verbal affection. he gave kokichi a lot of compliments and such, which of course flustered kokichi, but he loved it.

he came to a stop when he reached saihara's dorm, taking a deep breath. they went to each other's dorms every day, why did he feel different now..?

he knocked on the door, only for it to open almost seconds after. he looked up at the tall boy and gave him a bright smile.

"heyy, shumai! i missed you!" he said, walking past him into his dorm.

"i missed you too, kichi." saihara said, shutting the door behind him and giving kokichi a quick pat on the head.

they sat down on the floor, saihara trying to quiz kokichi on the material, and kokichi mostly just doodling on a sheet of paper.

"you.. need to pay attention, kokichi.. this is a big test, it could pretty much make or break your grade.." saihara said, worried for his boyfriend's chance of passing.

"psh, it's whatever! this test will be a breeze, don't worry about it!" kokichi said, crumbling up yet another piece of paper and tossing it into the trash can.

saihara worriedly sighed, but gave up on it. he packed up all his papers into a folder, and stuffed it in his bag.

kokichi continued to draw all over his worksheets, receiving the occasional scold from saihara. kokichi just laughed and told him it was no big deal.

eventually, kokichi got bored of this. he shoved all his things into his bag and sat down next to saihara, who was sitting on his couch and reading.

kokichi leaned over his shoulder to see what saihara was reading, but quickly became bored of that. he groaned and laid his head on saihara's shoulder.

"shumaiii! your dorm is so boring!!" he complained.

saihara laughed. "sorry, kichi. what do you wanna do?" he said, closing his book.

kokichi looked up at him and blushed, recalling his thoughts before he came to the dorm. yes, he wanted to kiss his boyfriend. just once. he really, really did.

"kokichi?" saihara said, confused by kokichi's staring into space.

"oh! sorry, i just.." he trailed off. "..have you ever.. kissed someone..?"

saihara was taken aback. he had thought about kissing kokichi before but realized he had zero experience.

", i can't say i have," saihara said, blushing.

" you ever wonder what it feels like?" kokichi asked him, not even noticing his face getting closer to saihara's.

saihara didn't answer. he just stared at kokichi, whose face had been getting closer and closer to his own.

fuck it, saihara thought, and he grabbed kokichi's scarf and connected their lips.

kokichi's eyes widened in surprise, but he eventually kissed back. he rested his arms around saihara's neck and leaned upwards to fully capture the kiss.

saihara held ouma close to him and cupped his face. he blushed all the while, surprising himself at how confident he'd become in such a short amount of time.

suddenly ouma pulled back, his face red as a tomato. saihara went to kiss him again but noticed kokichi looked rather lightheaded.

"woah, stay with me kokichi!" he said, half laughing.

kokichi just stared at saihara, so bemused that he'd just kissed him, and had his first kiss. he felt like passing out, or at the very least, he just needed to breathe.

"are you okay?" saihara asked, struggling to keep his laughter from escaping his mouth.

"...let's do it again," kokichi said. and that they did.

everytime they pulled away, kokichi had a similar experience, but saihara's sweet laughter brought him back to reality.

as they pulled away for the last time, they were both laughing so hard they could barely breathe.

"'re.. a good kisser.. saihara-chan.." kokichi said between breaths.

"i should hope i am," saihara laughed. "i've never done it before."

"you said that already... i think.. i don't know, i've almost passed out like, 6 times within the last 5 minutes." ouma giggled.

saihara suddenly pulled him into a hug. ouma slowly hugged back. "what's this for..?"

"..for.. giving me my first kiss. and loving me enough to do it." saihara said, blushing. "thank you," he hid his face in his hands.

ouma smiled and pulled saihara's hands away, and took them in his own. he gave saihara a quick peck on the lips and rested his head on saihara's chest.

"you're welcome, my beloved."

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