Kate's POV
Emmett was walking around near the windows keeping an eye on the wolves outside. Bella was asleep on the couch. I sat watching her, along with Leah. Emmett paced back and forth. I decided to do some research while Bella was asleep. I needed to know her chances with this baby. The pictures that I found made me feel sick. I got so angry I ended up electrocuting the computer, I stormed off, Alice, Jasper and Tanya watching me go. I stayed by Bella all night watching her chest rise and fall.
Carmen's POV
The sun soon rose, I looked outside to see Leah, Jacob and Seth staring out at the water. They needed food. I decided to make them something. When I was finished I took the food and walked towards them. Seth was the first to notice me. I held the food out to him and he quickly took it. I tried to give the food to Jacob but he quickly turned his back on me. Me and Leah shared a look but I shrugged it off, handing her the food for herself and for Jacob. I smiled walking back inside to check how Bella was doing. I have come to see Bella as a daughter.
Kate's POV
I was in Tanya's study with her and Bella. Tanya was looking over new x - rays. "Your ribs are cracked, there are no splinters, you haven't punctured anything" I couldn't help but butt in. "Yet" Tanya glared at me and hissed. "Kate!" I looked over to Bella and she soon looked away. I had to say it I couldn't hold it in much longer. "It's breaking her bones now, it's crushing you from the inside out, Tanya tell her what you told me...tell her"
Bella looked to Tanya. "Tanya, tell me, it's alright" Tanya walked over to where Bella was propped up on the hospital bed we had. "The foetus isn't compatible with your body, it's too strong, it won't allow you to get the nutrition you need, it's starving you by the hour, I can't stop it, and I can't slow it down."
Bella nodded...she looked as though she was going to cry. Tanya spoke again. "At this rate your heart will give out before you can deliver." Bella blinked furiously trying to keep the tears at bay before speaking. "Then I'll hold on as long as I can and -" Tanya gently cut her off. "Bella, there are some conditions that even venom can't overcome, you understand? I'm sorry." Bella nodded and Tanya left us alone.
I stood staring at Bella. "Kate, I'm sorry"
I had to look away. "I can't live without you"
Bella spoke again "You won't you're going to have a part of me, he'll need you"
I turned to look at Bella. "Do you honestly think I could love it, or even tolerate it, if it killed you?"
Bella frowned at me "It's not his fault, you have to accept what it is"
I have never ever snapped at Bella before...but this time I couldn't hold it in. "BECAUSE YOU'VE GIVEN ME NO CHOICE! Bella we're supposed to be partners, remember? But you decided this on your own, you've decided to leave me."
"Don't see it that way"
I scoffed. "Well I have no other way to see it. Because it's me that'll lose you, and I don't choose that, I don't choose that" With that being said I walked out the room slamming the door shut behind me.
Rosalie's POV
After I saw Kate slam the door, I went in to go and check on Bella. "Bella you okay?" Bella looked on the verge of tears. "I'm okay" I gently hugged her. "Kate just needs time to calm down, don't worry, how about I run you a bath?" Bella nodded.
I helped Bella to the bathroom and ran a bath for her, I checked the water to make sure it was the right temperature before turning it off. Bella undid her robe and stood up letting it fall to the floor. I looked over to her and noticed Kate standing in the door way, so did Bella. Bella quickly picked up the robe and put it back on, covering herself. I noticed and went to shut the door to give Bella some privacy.

Bella and Kate mates <3
FanfictionThis takes place in New Moon. The Denali's stop Laurent before he can kill Bella. That's when Kate realises Bella is her mate. But what happens when Bella refuses to believe it? Can Kate convince her before Edward comes back into the picture? (Not g...