⚓︎ 𝘿𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 ⚓︎

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The night seemed to go by ever so slowly. I couldn't sleep, I had all too much to think about. Esme, Hermione, and especially Draco Malfoy.

Something about the blond haired Slytherin was so unsettling to me. Maybe it's the way he looked at me, or maybe it's the fact that he's so careless of his actions. He gives me a gut wrenching feeling, one that never seems to go away.

I tossed and turned for hours, but finally, I fell asleep.

The dormitory was soon filled with a deep orange flooding the room; the sun was beginning to rise. Everyone seemed to groan and pull their comforters over their heads, but I was more than ready to be awake.

I opened my backpack and changed into a collared shirt, red tie, and of course, my Gryffindor robe. I was already prepared for classes. I sat the remaining clothes on my bed and left all the books in my bag. I swung it over my shoulder then left the Gryffindor tower.

I hadn't the slightest idea where I was headed, I only knew that I didn't want to lay in bed for any longer. I began walking around the corridors, trying to find something to do.

I decided to go to one of the bathrooms and wash my face, I hadn't done it in a few days and I could feel the acne preparing to emerge under my skin. I dropped my bag outside and walked in, slightly unsettled by how quiet and cool it was.

I turned on one of the sinks and lapped the water up to my face, the coolness of the water feeling like a million needles. It felt refreshing, but also freezing. I couldn't really tell if I enjoyed it or not.

I used one of the hand towels and padded the water off my face. As I finished, I glanced in the mirror, only to see a figure. My heart did a cartwheel; I wasn't expecting to see anyone.

But of course, it happened to be Draco Malfoy— the one person I hadn't the slightest intention of seeing. His expression was cool; hard, he was staring at me like I had just walked into the wrong common room.

"This is the girl's restroom, Malfoy." I said absently, staring at him through the mirror. He stared back with meaningless eyes- like he didn't have a single care in the world- other than himself.

"I'm aware." He said cooly, voice echoing off the tile walls. The whole situation was unsettling, really. He has just decided to go to the girls restroom? Or maybe he followed me. I didn't know which one- but either way I was uncomfortable.

"Now unless you're a girl, which I don't think you are, you should leave." I responded with his tone- cool and menacing, like I had no intention of smiling within the next week.

Before I could allow him to reply, I began walking toward the entrance that I had come from, making my strides long and swift. Though, he was partially taking up the doorway, so I'd have to squeeze by him- considering he looked as though he had no intention of moving.

Just as I passed him, his fingers grabbed onto my wrist, stopping me at once. His cool fingers locked onto my skin, and his rings dug into my flesh. I looked at him with a 'what the hell' look, but his smirk told me he didn't care.

"I can go wherever I'd like." He said, well, more liked growled. His eyes were prideful, but still held the same menacing glare as they always did. I gave him my most evil, dirtiest look. I downturned my lips, looked him dead in the eyes, and bit the inside of my cheeks.

"I don't know what the bloody hell you're doing, but watch yourself, Malfoy." I hissed, then used my other hand to pry off his cold-forsaken fingers. He looked at me like I had just thrown him off a bridge; every ounce of the pride in his eyes was gone.

And with that, I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my bag. When I looked down at my wrist, I saw five defined red lines where Malfoy's fingers had pricked into my skin.

Finally, the first bell chimed along the school. I made my way to my first class- Charms- and tried to forget about the whole Draco situation. I hated him with a burning passion, but that only seemed to drive him mad, mad enough to follow me around.

My only question was why; why was he so keen on hurting me, why was he so intentional to follow me into the bathrooms. None of it made the slightest ounce of sense.

Nevertheless, I walked into class with a smile on my face and took a seat at the back, right next to Esme. Though me and her didn't say one word to each other the whole time, there was an unsettling silence between us.

I flipped open my textbook and tried to listen, though, with her burning glance's and Draco's pursuit of actions, I zoned out within five minutes of sitting at the desk. My mind was whirling around so many things.

"Y/N, can you tell me what the charm Lumos provides?" Professor Flitwick's voice boomed over the classroom. I immediately snapped out of my trance and searched through my mind for an answer.

Thankfully, he has asked one of the easiest questions. "A light." I replied with a gentle smile, trying to assure him I was paying attention.

He nodded and continued to walk around the classroom, talking about this and that. I slid into the back of my seat again, zoning off into oblivion.

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