⚓︎ 𝙇𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙣 ⚓︎

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His cold eyes stung my heart- but not as much as my hand stung after slapping him. I could only imagine the pain he must be feeling right now.

"You little-" He hissed, taking a step toward me. His fingers wrapped around my throat, so tight I thought I may suffocate. He pushed me against the wall next to the fireplace, eyes blazing with fury.

I was chocking on the air I didn't even have, pleading for breath as his rings pinched my skin. "I want to fucking end you." His voice was angry, but somehow, he didn't yell. I looked him dead in the eyes, remaining cocky, even though I may die at the hands of Draco Malfoy.

"Then do it." I said, grasping for breath after every word. He smirked and shook his head, looking me up and down with a sigh.

"I'm not finished with you yet." He said maniacally. I was about to ask what he meant by that, but within seconds his lips slammed into mine with a daring amount of force.

His fingers slid from my throat and down my body, removing the straps of my dress from my shoulder. He wanted this- badly- but with his frequent rudeness and harsh manor, I couldn't let him have me.

So, instead, I kicked him. Right in between his legs. Draco let out a howl of fury and engulfed himself into the couch, while I pulled the straps of my dress back up.

"Fuck you. And fuck your games, Malfoy. I'm tired of this. I'm not some toy you can use only when you want to." My voice was harsh, but pain was hidden behind every word.

Truly, all I am to him is some kind of pretty girl he can just use and dispose of whenever he pleases. But I was tired of it- so tired I left the living room and walked down the hallway, all the way to the front door.

Once I arrived, my hand lingered on the doorknob. I couldn't decide what I wanted my fate to be. I could either stay inside, or leave the Manor. If I left, I'd be more likely to become a target for the person- or thing- taking the kids. But if I stayed I'd have to deal with Malfoy.

Keeping my life sounded better than my sanity. So, quietly, I walked up the black spiral staircase to a hallway, where two walls and many doors lined it. I looked at the family photos- there was two.

One of the photos was a picture of Narcissa sitting in a chair, the other was of Lucius, holding a python. I remarked to myself that there wasn't a single photo, or any memory of Draco.

His family isn't really like any other. They're never home, and when they are, they don't even truly see Draco. I was finally starting to put the pieces together; Draco is a pawn in their game of chess.

He's the one who would take his fathers place if anything happened to him- and nothing more. I opened one of the doors, a surge of goosebumps shooting up my arm as the cool air from inside coursed through my body.

It was a large room. A king bed with a black comforter tucked into one corner, bookshelves painted black, a dark brown leather desk, wooden floors, and two black sitting chairs. But there was only one window.

I allowed my curiosity to get the better of me, so I stepped through the threshold and began looking around. The first thing I tended to were the bookshelves, which had rows of books lining every shelf.

Then, I went to the desk, which had journals and books spread out across it. I picked up one of the journals; immediately regretting every moment I had spent in here.

It read; 'The Journal of Draco Malfoy'. I put it back down immediately. My curiosity sure did want to read it, but the churning feeling in my stomach didn't want to let me.

I heard the slightest noise from the doorway; it was barely even I sound. I whipped my head around to see a blonde and black haired woman standing in the doorway. I immediately recognized her from the picture— Narcissa.

She had a sad look in her eyes, the same look that swept over Draco's every so often. She took a step inside, shutting the door behind herself. "You must be Y/n." She said calmly, looking around the room before her eyes landed on me once again.

I nodded in response. "I'm so sorry to be in here, I was just looking and I had no idea this was Draco's room." I said, fear rising in my voice. She had a certain understanding sweep across her face; like she knew what I was trying to say.

"He's talked about you for what seems like forever." She said calmly, walking over to me. I watched as she picked up his journal, which was a dark brown leather. She had a small- very small- smile appear on her face as she looked at it.

"He really cares about you, Y/n. I know it doesn't seem like it because he had a hard time expressing himself, but truly, he does." Her voice had a sense of security- one that I trusted. But there was also a sadness hidden deep in her tone.

"He's afraid to love because his father and I fell out of love. He's never trusted it- not since then." She finished, caressing the notebook with a shaky hand. I nodded with the knowledge she was giving me.

"I must go now. But please, don't break him." She said quietly, before sitting the journal down on the desk and turning away. She opened the door and took out her wand, casting a spell.

Before she went through the threshold, she turned back toward me, giving a small smile. "You'll want to read the journal. Trust me." She said quietly before turning back around.

When she walked through the doorway, she disappeared; vanished into the blue. I followed her out of the doorway, but I only remained in one of the many hallways of Malfoy Manor.

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