⚓︎ 𝙏𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙏𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 ⚓︎

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I got a surprisingly good night of rest. I fell asleep quickly and awoke just as the sun started rising— when most of the other girls get up as well. I undressed from my night clothes and put on my collared shirt, red and orange tie, and my Gryffindor robe.

I grabbed my books from under my bed, and placed my wand into my robe, then headed out of Gryffindor tower. The school was bustling this morning, even more than usual; probably due to the excitement of being back.

I ate breakfast at the Great Hall, which consisted of two buttermilk pancakes and milk. I then headed to my first class... History of Magic with Professor Binns.

I stepped inside, delighted to see I wasn't the first one in there. A few other students chatted near the front, one of them bearing a flustered look as she saw me, almost as if she was scared of me— imagine that.

I took a seat at the very back, leaning into the chair as I waited for the first bell to ring. Students began clambering in left and right. Finally, the tardy bell sounded throughout the school, and Professor Binns began speaking to the class.

"Welcome back class. I hope you all had a well-rested day off." He said in a wide voice, vocals echoing around the class. I shifted in my seat, looking around, to realize everyone has chosen not to fill the desk next to me.

Esme bursted through the classroom door, holding books in her hand. Her hair was matted- unbrushed- and it looked as if she has been crying for the past day, or maybe even two.

"Miss Blackburn... Why are you late?" The Professor raised an eyebrow, arms crossed. She seemed to try and search for an answer, but nothing came to mind. The professor saw this and gestured for her to take a seat. Though, the only available seat was directly next to me.

I felt tension burning inside of me as my eyes watched her walk over and take a seat. She placed her book on the desk, opening her History of Magic one to a completely random page.

Then it hit me. She could've only been crying about one thing— Ron. Hermione did mention that they had broken up, so I wasn't surprised to see her in this state. I felt a pang of grief as she sniffled her nose, holding back the tears.

I turned back to my book, but only moments later Esme leaned over to me. "Y/n, I'm terribly, terribly sorry. I didn't realize how rude I was being." Her voice was flooded with sincerity and sadness, which came as quite a shock to me.

I turned toward her, trying to keep my calm. I wanted to make mends, truly, but I couldn't. "Thank you." I spoke, in referral to her apology. She look at me for a moment, tilting her head.

"We can be friends again, right?" She asked, a spark of hope in her voice. Guild flooded my insides. Of course we couldn't be friends again. With all the rumors she was spreading about me, and the fact that she only wants my company now that Ron is gone is quite sickening.

"No. Not after everything you've done." I answered plainly, not holding her gaze. Instead, I flipped through the pages in my textbook, eyes scanning the words.

She seemed to understand, as her head moved up and down in approval of my words. She flipped through her textbook, and we remained in silence for the rest of the class.

Finally, we wrapped up the class. I parted ways with Esme, and everyone else in there, then headed to my next class... Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall— my absolute most dreaded class.

Both of my other classes, Potions and Astronomy had also gone by just as slow. But finally, the time had come for classes to end once again and for the students to be on their own.

I had studied for a bit in my dormitory, then I decided It'd be a good idea to shower. I hadn't had one since the Yule Ball. I grabbed a pair of blue sleep shorts and a white tank top, then made my way down the stairs and to the common room.

A few boys sat on the sofa reading a book, but I didn't mind. I opened the door to the girls restroom and walked inside, the coolness of the tile dashing up my legs.

I turned on one of the showers and sat my clothes just outside, like I always do. I began getting undressed, placing what I had been wearing right next to my sleep clothes.

The shower was quite warm and very refreshing. I had a nice amount of time to think— but not overthink. And of course I washed myself off as well. I turned off the shower head then grabbed a towel from inside, wrapping it around my body.

I opened the shower curtain to grab my clothes, but they had disappeared. My first thought was that Esme or Bella took them, but considering that they are both in Ravenclaw, I allowed the thought to remove itself from my mind.

I stared at myself in the mirror, a towel wrapped around my body, wet hair dripping onto the tile. Whoever did this must really, truly hate my guts.

I exited the bathroom, swinging the door open in absolute fury. This was not a good way to end my day. My eyes beamed over to the group of Gryffindor boys who were reading on the couch when I came inside, but were now tossing my clothes around.

A burst of fury and anger unleashed inside of me. I felt my thoughts go blank as my ballistic tendencies began churning in my brain. There were three Gryffindor boys, all larger than me, and I'm only wearing a towel.

But I will still defend myself, no matter what I'm wearing.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?" I yelled, marching over to them. My fingers dug into my skin, fists tighter than ever. They all snapped their heads in my direction, their laughter only rising as they saw me.

"Aw, looks like little miss puncher isn't so tough after all." One of them said with a playful frown. I recognized him immediately— Jared. He's one of Bella's close friends. She's probably the one who told him to do this.

"Get the hell away from my stuff!" I yelled, my voice rising with anger. My blood was boiling, tipping over the edge. They all just laughed more and patted one another on the backs— as if congratulating them.

"Here's your shirt. Looks like you'll have to change in front of us. Won't be a problem though, huh, since you're already Malfoy's whore." One of Jared's friends, a boy with brunette hair smirked.

That was the final straw. Just as I was about to kick some sense into him- right between the legs- the Gryffindor common room door slammed open. Draco and Blaise ran inside, tackling the boys who had taken my clothes.

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