Act 2 Scene 9: Palace Infiltration

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Meanwhile, Alejandro leads his henches towards Gwen's palace.
ALEJANDRO: We are only here to find those five runaways! Be on guard, and no harm is to come to Gwen!
HEATHER: Intentional harm...

The henches glance at each other in disagreement. They see Caesar in front of the entrance, sleeping. Scott, Brick and Ezekiel poke him until his eyes open.
Justin sees Gwen, also sleeping in her own grass bed.
JUSTIN: There she is! Come on!
SCOTT: You said we weren't paid to talk!
JUSTIN: Not in front of Meknikov! Now move your legs!

Alejandro and the henches walk past Caesar and into the palace.
ALEJANDRO: Hold it right there.
Alejandro runs over to the palace. Caesar, now awake, jumps over to Alejandro. Heather kicks the tyrannotitan on his leg as he roars one last time as he falls off a cliff.
The henches corner Gwen.

GWEN: Please, don't...
Scott readies his dart to tranquilize her. A vine takes the hit and shields her.
Alejandro runs over to what's going on.
ALEJANDRO: Gwen, don't be the monster they fear you are!

Gwen realizes what she's doing. She gets up and sprints outside. Heather successfully tranquilizes Gwen. 

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