Act 2 Scene 15: What is Romance?

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Back with Trent, who is wheezing as tears roll down his eyes. Jenny comes through the little door on the porch.
JENNY: Trent!
Jenny notices the air conditioner. She changes the air to the coldest temperature possible.
JENNY: So... is this Christmas?
LINDSAY: Jenny! You're gonna crumble!
TRENT (weakly): I remember when we were fourth graders you didn't even realize that flowers crumbled in snow. How did you...
LINDSAY: Tyler taught me intelligence. Oh, and Trent, this is for you.
Lindsay sprays water on Trent, which kills a bit of the moss.
LINDSAY: Now that's chilling out.

JENNY: Wait, what happened to Alejandro?
LINDSAY: It wasn't romance. He left Bridgette somewhere and now is gonna murder Gwen.
JENNY: And now Trent is gonna turn into a topiary.
LINDSAY: I saw Duncan and Courtney hold hands. Do they... love each other?
JENNY: You really don't know what romance is.
Jenny is slowly crumbling.

LINDSAY: Jenny... what's going on with you?
JENNY: True friends are worth crumbling for.
LINDSAY: I gotta get Tyler. He's very loyal. And very concerned for Trent.

Meanwhile, Geoff kicks open the storm cellar where Bridgette is inside. Bridgette grabs on to Geoff's back as they climb out of the cellar together.
BRIDGETTE: Geoff! You came for me?
GEOFF: I'll always be there for you.
BRIDGETTE: I'm sorry Geoff. I love you. But I don't know what romance is.
GEOFF: I know what romance is. Romance is putting someone else's needs before your own. Gwen stayed in solitude to protect Trent and us. 

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