chapter 1: a new day

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It was a new day in the "LE base" (our base) Lovely woke up and the girls were still sleeping. She looked around and saw her pet cat Lover jumping on her sister Nature. She got up and went to prepared breakfast Nature: Oh my gosh Lover! stop jumping on me! Sunny woke up and heard Nature scolding Lover. Suddenly they heard something big and loud crash across the city.

Since Fire was still sleeping, Lovely, Sunny, and Nature had to figure it out. When Lovely was cooking she heard the noise too, she got startled and dropped the frying pan. Lovely: "omg what was that sound?!" Nature went down to tell lovely what happen. Nature: "Lovely! did you hear that noise outside?!" lovely: "yes I did! what was it?" nature: "I don't know.. but maybe we can have breakfast first? Lovely: "sure." 

+* after they woke up all the girls *+ 

Sunny: "mmmm! lovely these pancakes are so good! by the way, did you hear that sound outside?" Lovely: "mhm! we all heard it except fire." "oh and nature asked me to groom her unicorn outside." Fire: "what do you mean noise?" "are you guys pranking me once again?!"Nature: "come on guys! we got to investigate the noise!" moon: "I guess so"


everyone hoped into the car fire started the car and drove to the sound.

The sound went closer.. Lovely: "AHH ITS HURTING MEH EARDRUMS AAAH-" Sunny: "Oh my gosh stop screaming >:C" "wait. I think that the-"



evil wicked wizard: "MUHAHAHHAH you think your "GIRL POWER" can stop me? than your fat cat trying to scratch me? pathetic." lover the cat: "IM NOT FAT!!!!" (wait what the what how can a cat talk?!) lovely bursted out of the car and blasted him  he dodged  the firing ball that was heading towards him.  

nature grew plants over him, trying to stick him to the wall. Sunny: "GUYS HE'S TOO STRONG! WE CAN'T DEFEAT HIM! THE ONLY WAY TO DEFEAT HIM IS TO-" the evil wicked wizard blasted sunny on her eye. Nature: "SUNNY NOOOOOO!" Nature ran to Sunny and healed her eye.

♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡Fire quickly drove all the girls home. (moon barley talked in this chapter sorry ;-;)

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