-4- Tears in heaven

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Beyond the door
There's peace, I'm sure
And I know there'll be no more
Tears in heaven- Eric Clapton


Warning, this chapter may be triggering for some people as it contains abuse and miscarriage. If you are not comfortable with reading this, just skip to the next chapter.


Isa was sat next to her mother's grave. She picked some strands of grass and let them fly in the wind. Silent tears were rolling down her cheeks. She felt joey sit down next to her, caressing her back. She leant into his side and let out a deep breath. "I miss her so much," she says in almost a whisper. "I know you do darling, you just have to remember the good times you had with her," Isa wiped away her tears and looked at her boyfriend. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this, I should be over this, it has been two years since she passed," Isa says almost getting angry with herself. Joey stands up, holding his hand out for Isa, "Come on, why don't we do something fun today, just to get your mind of things". Isa didn't feel like doing anything today. She just wanted to get under the covers and curl up in bed. Still after two years she couldn't wrap her mind around the her mother's death. Ever since the death of her mother her dad has been out of his mind. He started drinking, coming home drunk, screaming at Isa. Drugs laying on the coffee table, empty bottles of beer laying around. The only positive thing in Isa's life was Joey. He was there for her on her bad days, but he also was there on the good days. Then they would go to the beach, walk through town or just lay in bed all day. They met in school, and immediately hit it off. Joey and Isa sat in a small café, "Can we go home babe, I'm not feeling too well," Isa says, taking a sip of her water. " Let me get the bill, you can go to the car," Joey stands up as he hands Isa the car keys. As Isa walks to the car she feels very nauseous and barely makes it to a trash can. She feels one of Joey's on her back, "You okay babe? Maybe you need to see a doctor, this has been the fifth time this happened this week". Isa wipes her mouth with a tissue she has in her bag, "I have an appointment at the doctor's office tomorrow morning". They step in to the car, Isa feels tired and just wants to go to bed.

The next morning Isa makes her way downstairs as quiet as possible to not wake up her dad, "Where do you think you're going," she hears the voice of her dad. "I'm going out for breakfast with Joey," Isa says and almost runs out of the door before her dad could lay his hands on her. As Isa arrives at the doctor's office she becomes very anxious. What is something is wrong, what is I'm dying? " Miss Atwood," Isa stood up and walked into the office behind the nurse, "The doctor will be with you in a minute".

As Isa steps outside of the doctor's office she takes a shaky breath, how is she going to tell Joey that she is pregnant. He made it clear he doesn't want kids, as he is just eighteen and Isa is just fifteen they are in no place to take care of a child. But even though she is young Isa can't even think about giving this baby up. The doctor told Isa she is already six months pregnant, it explains why she was feeling bloated. Later that evening Isa is sitting on the couch, her dad went out with some friends and will probably not be home until three o'clock at night. Joey walks into the house, "How was the doctor?". Isa is fumbling with her fingers, "About the doctor's there is something going on which explains why I've been feeling unwell. I'm pregnant, six months to be exact. And I know that we are young and you don't exactly want kids but maybe now that I am really pregnant you will change your mind? And I really don't want to get rid of this baby". Joey is stunned, mouth is agaped and his eyes are wide, "How can you be that stupid! How did you let this happen! You are on birth control right?! I DON'T WANT KIDS! I have told you this so many times. You know you will have to raise this baby on your own right? You know I can't be with you anymore right? I like you Isa but this is way to much, I'm not that in to you to have a kid with you, goodbye Isa take care", Joey walks out of the house and as he walks out of the house Isa's dad walks in. "PREGNANT, I knew you were a slut, but to become pregnant. Well you've have done your name proud you whore," he walks over to her and slaps her across the face. Isa doesn't move, she is frozen in her spot. Not only did joey walk out of her and the baby's life but her dad slapped her. It was not something new for her dad to call her names when drunk. But for him to physically put a hand on her was a first.

As the months went by it is almost Isa's due date. Isa has tried to find a job so she could get her own apartment, but no one wanted to hire a pregnant fifteen year old. So she is still stuck at her dad's house. The past couple of months have become harder and harder. Isa's dad has been abusing her regularly, sometimes even forces Isa to have sex with him or some of his friends. Isa is scared, she doesn't know what to do as she can't tell anybody or she will have no home. The only friend Isa regularly sees is Luna her best friend who she knows since middle school. They meet up for coffee at least once a week, but today Isa has no energy. Isa knows that if she doesn't go to the café, Luna will come to her house, and her dad is extremely drunk today so sche doesn't want Luna to come over. Luna is already at the café wen Isa walks in. Isa gives Luna a small smile and the two give each other a hug. Luna looks a bit concerned as she looks over Isa, she has dark circles under her eyes and bruises scattered across her arms and throat. "Izzy, this isn't healthy, what is going on? I have had a feeling but I didn't say anything in case it wasn't true but seeing you like this, I can't not say anything about it Iz. Is your dead abusing you?," Luna grabs Isa's hand as tears start to form in her eyes. "I don't know what to do Luna, I have nowhere to go, I have no home, no job, no money. I don't even have family to rely on," Isa rests her head in her hands. "Izzy, if you would have told me sooner, I would have told you this sooner, we have an guesthouse on the ranch, if you want you can come live there. You could help out on the ranch to earn some money and pay of the rent for the guesthouse," Isa is speechless. "I don't want to be a burden to you and your family," Luna Laughs at Isa, " you know you could never be burden to my parents, they love you, they would be so mad at me if they knew I hadn't offered you the guesthouse," relief washed over Isa as she hugged her best friend. Isa grabbed her stomach, she had been having cramps the whole day but she thought it was fake labor. As the day went on Isa and Luna did some baby shopping. Luna walked over to a shop window and started talking about the cute leather jacket, when she turned around she saw Isa bending over holding her stomach. "Oh god, are you okay? Should I call an ambulance?," Luna grabbed her phone and called an ambulance, it was starting, Isa was about to become a mum.

Elle Sophie Atwood was born on July 8th 2010. Isa was head over heels in love with the small girl. Luna was sitting on the bed next to Isa. The two friends cooing over the little baby. Luna's parents were on their way to the hospital with a bag of clothes and necessities for Isa and the baby. "She is so beautiful," Luna's mom says, cradling the small baby. " I think it's time for us to go home ladies," Luna's dad stands up and puts on his jacket. They all give Isa a hug and a kiss and leave the hospital. Once Isa is by herself she holds Elle to her chest, content with the little girl, ready to be her mom. Isa is exhausted and lays Elle in her basinet. Isa lays down, looking at her little girl. She has no idea how she is going to do it all, how she is going to take care of the two of them but in that moment there was nothing else that mattered. Isa closes her eyes and tries to let herself have a little rest, she opens her eyes when she hears the door opening. A hand covers her mouth and Isa wants to scream, but her scream is muffled. Tears spill out off her eyes, scared for and her daughter's life. Once Isa comes face to face with the person she is even more scared, her dad. "Hi baby," Her dad strokes her face with his free hand. Isa doesn't know what to do. She want to push the red button next to the bed but it is too far away. Isa's dad goes over to Elle's basinet, Isa tries to hit her dad so he would let go off her mouth but it is no use. "You know baby, I don't think this is what you need. You need to be all by yourself. As your dad I need to take care of the problems in your life, so that is what I'm going to do right... now..". Isa watches every move of her dad, the tears are blurring her sight but it is all to clear what is going to do. He presses his hand to Elle's throat, Elle's cries but only a few seconds later the room is silent, way too silent. Isa's dad let's go of both girls and runs out of the room. Isa screams and a nurse comes running in to the room. "Call security, my dad.. he.. Elle.. she.. NOO!," the nurse runs in to the hallway and calls for help, security runs after Isa's dad. The nurses run in to the room to try and safe Elle's life.

-4- End

A/N This was a heavy chapter but it needed to be written for the story. Please give feedback, and if you have any ideas for the plot let me know.

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