-5- Too good at goodbyes

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I'm never gonna let you close to me
Even though you mean the most to me
'Cause every time I open up, it hurts – Sam Smith

They are sitting in the car, the tears are streaming down Isa's face, 'I don't know what to say,' Daniel fiddles with her fingers. 'I want to say so much but so little at the same time, I can't imagine a father putting his daughter through the pain and misery you have gone through. I can't imagine someone willingly put YOU through that'. Isa sighs and looks at Daniel, 'I haven't forgotten, but I think I know how to deal with it. Sometimes there are triggers and it will take me back to the event. But Luna had been a big support as are her parents, they have really taken me in'.

Daniel brought Isa back to the guesthouse on the ranch, ' I really appreciate that you told me, I know it must be hard for you to open up to people. If you let me, I would really like to take you out on a date tomorrow'. Isa bit on her lip and looked away from Daniel, 'I don't know Dan.. I..'. 'Just think about it, please, I would really like to get to know you better Isa,' Daniel kisses Isa cheek and helps her out of the car. He walks her up to the door and waits for her to open the door. Isa hesitates, should she ask him inside? She bites her lip and turns around to face Daniel. 'I..,' Isa doesn't know what she wants to say, 'Goodnight Izzy, I will see you at breakfast, sleep tight,' Daniel smiles at Isa and walks back to his car. He turns around and drives back to the main house where he sleeps in the guest bedroom. When Daniel walks into the house, he is greeted by Luna who was just on her way out. 'Hey Dan, how was your night,' Luna smirks an Daniel. The only thing Daniel is able to do is smile 'It was nice, where are you going?' Luna is putting on her shoes which are standing by the door, 'I'm going to see Isa, see ya,' she walks out the door and Daniel watches his cousin step on her bike to the guesthouse on the other side on the property.

When Luna arrives at the guesthouse, Isa is sitting in the swing on the porch. 'Hiya babes, how was the date,' Isa comes out of her daydream and smiles when she sees her best friend. 'It was not a date, I'm not ready to date,' Isa says crossing her arms in front of her chest. 'Yeah, I forgot you don't date. I think that by the end of your summer break, you two are dating'. 'Lune, I don't think I'm ready for a relationship. And even if I was, why would he want to date me. He is a famous F1 driver. Why would he want to date an insecure and unstable girl like me,' Isa rambles as Luna rolls her eyes. 'You're crazy you know, even though you haven't known each other for that long, you two have this amazing chemistry. Everyone can see it except for you. Daniel wants to could to know you and he needs someone like you, someone who can keep him grounded when he is in that crazy world of his. And you could use a man in your life who will drag you out of your shell, someone who can take you on an adventure.' Isa knew somewhere deep down, that Luna was right, about all the things. Isa so badly wanted to give Daniel a change, she wanted to leave her past behind, but there was a voice inside her head that told her to run away. Because what is Daniel left her after a while. She was scared to open up her heart to him even though she wanted it so bad. 'He asked me on a date, tomorrow,' Isa says after a long silence. The two best friends sitting on the porch together, sipping on some wine. 'You know what I am going to say'. Isa takes another sip of her wine and lets out a sigh. 'I think I'm going back home, I will see you at breakfast, babe'. Luna takes her bike back to the house. Isa grabs the empty bottle and glasses, putting them away in the small kitchen. She goes the bathroom for her night routine. When she is done she turns of all the lights and lays in bed, putting her phone on the charger. She can't wait for tomorrow.

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