-20- Two Ghosts

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Same lips red, same eyes blue
Same white shirt, couple more tattoos- Harry Styles

Isa kept herself busy with small tasks around the house, doing laundry and cleaning the windows. She was all packed and ready to send her stuff to Monaco. The original plan was for Isa to meet Daniel in Monaco, but Isa didn't have the guts to face Daniel yet. So she called him to tell him she was sick and that he would have to collect her stuff from the moving company. She would unpack as soon as she was feeling better. Today, Isa had her four month ultrasound, it would be her first and she was nervous. She laid down on the table and the doctor rolled up her shirt so Isa's stomach was on display. 'This can be a little cold but that is all normal' the doctor said as she put the gel on Isa's stomach. Isa closed her eyes, the nerves were getting to her. She was regretting not telling Daniel any sooner because she really needed him to be here. Isa opened her eyes when she heard a heartbeat through the room, it was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard. She could feel the tears rim in her eyes, her hand covers her mouth. For the first time since she found out she was pregnant, Isa was happy. 'Well your baby looks very healthy, would you like to find out the gender of your baby?' Isa hesitated. 'No, I would like to hear that news when my fiancé is with me, thank you'. The doctor wiped Isa's stomach clean and Isa began to put on her coat, 'I would like to see you again next month, if you bring your fiancé we can find out the gender' Isa nodded thanking the doctor. Isa walked to her car, stepping inside and just sitting there. She didn't want to go home yet, afraid to feel alone in her almost empty apartment. Silent tears ran down her cheeks, she really missed her mom in moments like this. She imagines her mom being so happy for her, and when the baby is here her mother would baby sit so she and Daniel could go out. But the reality hit Isa really hard that she had no parents, no brothers or sisters, no aunts and uncles to go to. Her grandparents died a long time ago, unfortunately, it made Isa feel alone. The only family she had was Daniel and his family, and she was really grateful for them but they were not HER family. Nonetheless Isa had to talk to someone, she picked up her phone waiting for them to reply 'Grace? It's me, Isa' Isa replied when Grace picked up her phone. 'Hi darling, how are you?' Isa broke down, trying to keep her sobs under control but she failed miserably. 'Isa, honey, what is going on?' Isa tried to steady her breathing. 'I'm four months pregnant' Grace gasped. 'Oh honey that's wonderful, why are you crying?'. Isa lets out a soft laugh 'I don't know actually, I think I'm scared. I regret not telling Daniel sooner, I'm afraid he thinks it is too soon. And I don't know to do this, I will be on my own so much while having to raise the baby'. Grace hears the hesitation in Isa's voice. 'Honey, what is really going on? You know that Daniel loves you and he is so ready to have a baby with you. He would quit racing for you'. Isa bites her lip 'I know that but I.. I.. I miss my mom, Grace. I love you and Joe, but I really miss my mom in this moment. It's just that my mom should have been here when I met Daniel, I should have been gossiping with her about my first kiss with him. And then she would have been the first one I have called when we got engaged, she needed to be there so I could show her my ring. And then my mom should be here so I could talk to her about my pregnancy scare, and she should be here so we could go baby shopping together, and I just, I.. I'm so mad that she is taken away from me because I need her right now!' Grace her heart broke at Isa's confession, she could understand Isa's worries completely. Grace remembered how much her own mom was of help when she got married and had kids. 'Honey, I know you miss your mom very much, but as much as I hate to say it, she can't be here. I totally understand that it is hard for you, no one should ever have to go through what you have gone through. And as much as I know I will never be enough, I will be your mom, I will take you shopping, I will be there for you when Daniel is being a dick and you need my shoulder to cry on. I love you as my own daughter Isa'. Isa was so grateful for Grace 'Thank you Grace, I needed to hear that, I love you too'. Isa wiped away her tears calming herself down while grabbing a glass of water, 'So tell me, are you showing yet? How are you going to tell Daniel?' Isa smiled at Graces enthusiasm 'I'm not sure yet, I want to surprise him do something fun for him. But yes I guess I'm showing, it is really weird, but it also feels very right. I know I said to Dan that I won't be able to make it but I think I can pull something of to be there for the first race.' Grace couldn't be more happy, 'That would be so great Isa, we could pick you up at the airport and then go to the track together, you could surprise him in the paddock'. Isa and Grace talked on the phone for a while when Isa got interrupted by a call from Daniel. 'Grace, Dan is calling I will see you in Melbourne, I love you' 'I love you to honey, and the baby, bye'. Isa got a giddy feeling when Grace told her she loved the baby. Isa picked up Daniels call 'Hi handsome, how are you doing?' Isa was getting ready for bed. 'I'm good, I miss you very much though, what have you been up to?' Isa bit her lip, she didn't want to tell Daniel already so she had to make up a little white lie 'Nothing much, just packing up the apartment, the movers should be in Monaco tomorrow by the way. And other than that I have just been resting, getting my cold away'. 'well it is good you are feeling better babe. There is no change you can make it next week right?' Daniel asked hopefully. Isa fought the words that were laying on her tongue, she needed to keep it a secret 'I'm sorry babe, work is keeping me busy, but we will see each other in Monaco the following week'. Isa tried to lift his spirit. 'Well, I have to go babe and I think it is time for you to sleep, I love you, very much' Isa smiled, 'I love you too Dan, I will see you soon'.

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