-19- Small bump

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I'll hold you tightly, I'll give you nothing but truth
If you're not inside me, I'll put my future in you – Ed Sheeran

Isa's leg bounced up and down as she was waiting in her doctor's office. She was nervous, what if there was something seriously wrong, what if she had an deadly illness. 'Ms. Atwood' Isa was shaken out of her thoughts and stood up. She hadn't told Daniel that she was going to the doctor when they spoke on the phone this morning. Daniel was ready to go to bed when Isa had just woken up, he had a long day filled with media and she wanted Daniel to have a good night's rest and that would not have happened if she told him that she was going to see her doctor because she didn't feel well. Isa sat down in front of the doctor, 'So miss Atwood, why don't you tell me what is going on?' the doctor asked Isa as he typed something on his computer. 'Well it is nothing serious but the last few weeks/ month I have been really tired, even when I take naps throughout the day. And then there is the vomiting, and the fatigue. At first I thought it was all the traveling me and my fiancé have been doing, but it has lasted for so long that I have become a bit worried.' This was the first time Isa called Daniel her fiancé and it made her heart swell with pride. The doctor looked at Isa, 'And have you and your fiancé been sexually active?' Isa was taken back by the question because it gave the same answer as when she talked to Grace, they were both implying that she could be pregnant, 'I mean yes, but I have been taking the pill'. ' You know, when you're traveling a lot, the pill will not always work. Why don't you go into that bathroom and pee in this cup, give it to the nurse at the front desk and we will call you this afternoon with the results'. Isa took the cup from her doctor, this was really getting real. What was she going to do if she was pregnant, she and Daniel just got engaged and they weren't even living together yet. Yeah they were going to in a few weeks but this al came way too quick all at once. Isa drove herself home, sitting on the couch. She made herself some tea to calm herself down. She went to sit in her backyard, trying to relax herself a bit but she couldn't sit still. To distract herself Isa went and packed up some stuff into boxes. She came across some pictures, Isa sat down on the floor, flipping through the pictures. She got tears in her eyes as she got a closer look of the pictures. They were pictures of Isa as a baby, in the arms of her mother. She couldn't remember ever seeing the pictures before. Pictures of her mother, looking happy with her father, she couldn't remember any of this. She wiped away her tears, happy she found the pictures. Isa collected some pictures she wanted to frame in when she would move in with Daniel and packed the other photo's away. Next was the kitchen, Isa would take some of her tableware with her to Monaco but it didn't make sense to bring her whole kitchen as they would have everything twice. That made Isa decide to donate some of the stuff she couldn't bring, to charity.

The ringing of her phone made Isa jump, she almost forgot that the doctor would call her. Her heartbeat increased, her palms began to get sweaty. Isa was afraid to pick up the phone but knew she needed to do it. 'Hello, Isa Atwood speaking' Isa answered her phone with a trembling voice. 'Miss Atwood, good afternoon, we have the results of your urine sample. Congratulations, you're pregnant, 3,5 months along actually' the nurse told Isa with an excited voice. 'Miss Atwood, are you still there? Are you alright?' Isa was in shock, she didn't know what to do or say 'Yeah, I'm still here, uhm thank you, I will give you a call to make an appointment later, yeah bye' Isa hung up the phone, she didn't know what to think in that moment. She was pregnant, almost four months pregnant. How was she going to tell Daniel, how would he react. She knew he wanted kids in the future but this was very soon. Isa wipes away her tears, as she sees an incoming call from Daniel. She takes a deep breath and tries to steady her voice, 'hey babe, how are you?' she says in a sweet voice, 'Are you alright honey? You sound a bit of?' Daniels asked getting slightly worried as he heard something in her voice wasn't right. 'Yeah, I've been watching a movie which made me cry, that is probably what you're hearing in my voice', she lets out a chuckle. Daniel doesn't believe Isa but he lets it slide, if it was important she would definitely tell him. 'Do you have a busy day?' Isa asked Daniel, he was just starting his day, while Isa was already making dinner. 'Yes, I have a full media day, interviews and promo shooting, nothing special. I miss you babe' Daniel said to Isa. Isa closed her eyes, wishing he was with her right now ' I miss you too handsome, can I call you back later babe, my dinner is ready' Isa felt guilty about lying to Daniel but she just didn't know how to tell him yet. After she ate dinner Isa decided to call the doctor's office to make an appointment for an ultrasound. Isa would have her first ultrasound when she would be four months pregnant, which meant she would have to wait for another 2 weeks. Isa went to bed, turning in early because of her long and emotionally exhausting day.

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