14: Silence Falls

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Quackity POV:

I was scared out of my mind. The person I really really liked ran away from the ball. They ran past the garden and into the forest behind. We couldn't find them for hours. When we did find them, they were severely dehydrated and frostbitten. They had to be rushed to the hospital. I remember it was Sapnap who found them.

He told us that he found them sitting at the base of one of the big oak tree, with purple lips and skin as cold as ice. The rest was all a blur to me. All I could recall from that night was...

The ambulance sirens going off in the distance...

Me shivering with tears as I held Danni close to my chest...

The paramedics trying to pull me away from them, they didn't even allow me to ride in the ambulance with them.

It was all so...scary. I really though for a stupid second that they weren't going to make it.

but they did.

And everyday I'm grateful for it.

I really can't stand the thought of losing them.

Right now, I'm sitting in the hospital waiting room. I was going to bring Danni some flowers to cheer them up, until Jeremy told me that they're allergic to them. So, I settled for the stuffed bear and card.

Cliché, but it works.

After the ball, They informed the people that went with Danni that they're going to be in a medically induced coma to let them rest. It's been three days, which is how long the doctors say they'll be asleep for.

I was twiddling my thumbs trying to distract myself when my name was called. I walked the hallways, following the nurse with a clipboard as she directs me towards Danni's room. We stop in front of one of the doors. Room 671.

I open the door and enter, Immediately becoming very shy when I see two other adults in the room. The pair was seated on either side of a sleeping Danni. A man and a lady who I can only assume are their parents.

"Oh hello, who might you be?" The woman asked me.

"I'm Alex, I'm a....friend of Danni's. I just came to visit them and uh...drop off this." I replied, holding up the bear I brought.

"Awe, how sweet. They're still asleep right now but you're welcome to chat with us until they wake up! I'm Danni's mother, you can just call me Lauren."
She says, stretching out her arm for a small handshake along with a small smile.

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