Chapter One/Prologue

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Silver woke up to the feeling of the morning sun shining on his body and walked over to the balcony in his room and looked up at the morning sky. The warm orange of the dawn mixed together with the fading blue of night in beautiful harmony. He watched as the moon faded away with the night sky, making way for the sun and the blue sky. The birds all woke up and flew away from their nest, singing with every flap of their wings.

Silver sighed, returning to his to get dressed and get ready for school. He slipped his pair of white gloves and buttoned up his uniform before he put on his matching pair of socks and shoes. He went over to his mirror and looked at himself, smiling at how professional he looked. He turned over to the door and before he was about to walk out of it, the door swung open, almost hitting him down in the process.

Silvia: Time to wa-Oh! You're already awake.

Silver brightened up at the sight of his mom and skipped happily towards her, embracing her with a big hug.

Silver: Good morning mom

Silvia laughed as she picked up the white hedgehog and softly stroked his head.

Silvia: Good morning Silver! You're up earlier than yesterday."

Silver: Uh huh! The earlier I wake up, the faster I can get to school! The faster I can get to school and learn, the sooner I will be able learn combat training!

Silvia: It's nice to see you so eager to learn combat training, but you have to learn more than just that to be the king of Silver City one day.

Silver: I know that. I just want to be the best so I can be your favorite. There's a lot of competition out there, mom.

Silvia: You already are my favorite, Silver.

Silver: Not like that, I want to earn my place as your actual favorite and the king of your kingdom, not just be one because you're my mom.

Silvia pulled away and set the white hedgehog down on the ground before kneeling down and meeting him at eye-level. She glanced down at his body and began examining until she found what she was looking for. Above the hedgehog's navel, was a dark and nasty bruise the size of a fist. Silvia looked up at Silver, who had turned his head away in shame. Silvia placed her hands on his shoulders but still, the hedgehog didn't look at her.

Silvia: need to tell me when this happens, so I can do something about it.

Silver: You can't though. If you do then it will only get worse for me.

Silvia: And if I don't, nothing is going to change. They can't keep bullying you because-

Silver: Please mom, don't

Silvia: I can't allow this to keep happening to you, Silver. This is my kingdom and I will not allow the other kids to be mean to you. What kind of queen would I be if I just let them get away with hurting the hedgehog I'm the mother of?

Silver: I can handle it, really! I can!

Silver just had to convince his mother to change her mind.

Silver: If I can't handle a few bullies, then I can't handle becoming the king of your kingdom.

Silvia sighed in defeat, knowing that it was no use getting through to Silver when he was determined to overcome something. She placed her hand over his bruise, and used a bit of her power to heal up the wound. Silver winced at her touch but within a second there was no longer an injury.

Silvia met Silver's blue eyes, and gave him a serious look.

Silvia: I don't like you getting bullied and I think I should handle this, but I will let you do it if that is what you want. But please, Silver, you may be a hedgehog, but you are still only fourteen years old. I will not let them get away with this if they end up breaking a bone of yours. I know you want to handle this alone but sometimes it doesn't hurt to have a little help.

Silver nodded in understanding. Silvia gave him a soft smile before kissing the white hedgehog on the head .

Silvia: Let's go have some breakfast.

A/N: This fanfiction is inspired by Flightless and Bullied by xBooxBooxBear over on I loved there fanfiction and I suggest you read it too.

Link to xBooxBooxBear

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