Chapter Two

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Silver: I'm ready mom!

Silvia: You mean you're almost ready.

Silvia laughed as she held up Silver's backpack which held his school supplies.

Silver: Oh yeah!

Silver hurried over to retrieve his backpack and thanked his mom.

Silver: Now I'm ready!

Silvia: Okay, okay. Just remember what I said earlier okay?

Silver: I know! Don't worry, I will if anything worse happens.

Silvia: Good-oh! One more thing, this month is going to be crazy busy for me, meetings with the kings and queens and dealing with another war with the Eggman Empire, so I may not be able to pick you up after school. I'll try to though, but I may just end up sending the guards to get you.

Silver nodded.

Silver: Hopefully soon, I'll be able to defend myself so you won't have to worry about teleporting me.

Silvia joined in with his smile and raised her staff, summoning a blue aura over him.

Silvia: Have a good day at school, Silver!

The aura became brighter over Silver and in a flash he was out of Silvia's castle and on the large Angel Island that held his school. He turned to see the large columns that surrounded the ancient stoned building. Large trees and plants were scattered around the building along with some guards securing around the island.

Silver watched the guards again with silent envy.

Silver: You're only here to make sure I don't get hurt or fall off the island.

Which was half true. When Silver started going to school and attended his combat training class, his teacher noticed that Silver was doing all the steps right but he still couldn't throw a strong enough punch. His teacher informed Silvia about this and the queen was so afraid Silver might get hurt or fall off the island that she set up guards to secure the outskirts of the school.

Silver: I'm gonna be able to protect myself one day.

And with that Silver made his way towards the school grounds. He walked happily towards the building and looked over at the kids running around him playing a game of basketball. He waved happily and enthusiastically at them but some ignored him and others only half-heartily waved back.

He continued his happy walk, greeting everyone he passed by. Like the basketball players, only a few acknowledged him.

Silver wasn't very popular with the students at school. When he first attended to school, he made plenty of friends. He was well-liked and had many admirers over the fact that he lived with the queen of Silver City, herself and they liked his go-happy attitude. That all changed when they first started learning how to fight in their Combat Class, when their teacher told Silvia that Silver couldn't fight, a rumor started that Silver had some disease in him which was why he couldn't fight and it was contagious. Silver tried to dispel the rumor but even with the confirmation from Silvia and the teacher, it did nothing. He had lost his friends and admirers was now seen as the annoying optimistic hedgehog, that couldn't fight but still tried to be popular cause he was Silvia's favorite. Which was nothing but a lie. Silver was just naturally friendly and optimistic. He didn't think or try to be better than everyone else because Silvia was his mom, he was only trying to be a hedgehog worthy of being the king of his kingdom her but sadly he wasn't seen that way.

Silver leaned against the small brick wall that marked as the border between school grounds. He looked up at the basketball team and admired how fast they ran and how well they played.

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