Chapter Nine

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It had been nearly a week since Silver went missing. All through Silver City, the word had gotten out that the hedgehog boy had fallen off Angel Island and his body wasn't found. Everyone presumed he was dead. For who could survive that drop? The students of the school grounds felt horrible and regretted ever being mean to the boy. They thought that he was just spoiled by the queen, they never knew just how much he meant to her. He wasn't just an hedgehog that she was the favorite of, he was the son of her. The queen mourned for the loss of Silver. She hardly came around and spent most of her time on the war with the Eggman Empire.

The school days were quiet with everyone mourning Silver. Guilt dwelled on every student (except for three) and regretted ever being mean to him. Things had changed between the students and Espio. They were angry at him for running off instead of helping finding Silver. They thought that was a bit suspicious that he didn't volunteer. A rumor started that Espio had something to do with the hedgehog. When teachers heard this they brought the chameleon to Silvia and told her what they suspected. Silvia had simply looked into the defiant yellow eyes of the teen before she sentenced him to the dungeons and in two days would be executed.

Espio: Silvia.

The queen passed by his cell but froze when he called for her.

Silvia: Espio, I'm sorry but until we can-

Espio: Why would I try to kill him? If I wanted him dead I would have let him fall that day. I risked my life as well trying to save him, which I seem to recall that I did.

The queen was quiet.

Silvia: I know that Espio but how do I know that you-

Espio: You can stop if you are going to blame any injuries on me.

The queen fell silent. She turned and looked into the angry yet calm yellow eyes.

Espio: I never hurt Silver. I don't know who did but it wasn't me. You guys accusing me of hurting Silver is outrageous! I only JUST found out that Silver has been bullied. This whole time I didn't know because the students along with Silver, kept it a secret from me. They were afraid of me, that I would attack them if I knew...if I had known I would have stopped them.

His eyes became soft.

Espio: Silver is a good kid. He's annoying optimistic and cheerful, but he's kind, funny and...

his face began to blush as he turned away

Espio: maybe even a little cute...if I had known...I would've been there for him."

Silvia: Then why did you run away when everyone volunteered?

Espio: I went to look for him...I thought it was obvious.

Silvia: Not exactly. We all thought you refused to help.

Espio shook his head.

Espio: Not when it comes to Silver.

Silvia: didn't push him off?

Espio: No Silvia. I was in the library before I went home and by then he was gone. I figured he was home already.

Silvia approached the chameleon's cell. She met those golden eyes with her diamond ones. She studied him for what seemed like hours.

Espio: Just because I think Silver's annoying doesn't mean I don't like him.

Silvia: I believe you.

That night in the shed, after the boys "fed" and fucked Silver, they stood around him and carved more words into his skin while they informed the boy that Espio had been arrested.

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