Chapter Ten

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Espio kept to the shadows, making sure no one saw them. He didn't exactly look innocent holding the abused hedgehog besides no one was supposed to know he was free.

Espio was glad for the night, there were so many shadows for them to hide and pass by in. The elder chameleon instructed Silver to keep quiet which he obeyed. He hid his face in the older boy's chest as he breathed in his scent and wept in his uniform. His nightmare was lifted. He had been rescued from the dark depths of the nightmare by the boy he crushed on. He had finally entered a dream.

The chameleon made it to the queen's castle. He slipped in the back, where he had sneaked from and searched for the queen. He found her in her room out in her balcony, gazing up at the stars.

Espio: Silvia.

The queen turned around and gasped when she saw her little Silver in Espio's arms.

Silver: Silver!

The injured hedgehog slowly looked at her from Espio's chest. His blue eyes shining as he smiled softly, tears dwelling in them.

Silver: Mom.

The queen ran towards them, kneeling beside Espio to get a look at the boy in his arms. She desperately wanted to hold and hug her little guy but once she was closer to the two boys and saw just how horrible Silver's condition truly was, she froze. She glance upon Silver's body and took in the horrid scene of all the injuries, blood and cum that nearly covered his being. She couldn't shake the tears that started to descend from her eyes.

Silvia: Oh my sweet little Silver! What did they do to you?

Silver: They kidnapped me because they said I was getting too much attention from you and Esp and that I was going to be your favorite. Then they started punching me and they carved these words into my skin before they tortured me and broke my arms and...then they shoved their privates in my mouth and each raped me before they started doing it all together.

Espio's jaw clenched and he held Silver tighter as if indicating he would never let go. He was well aware what had happened when he first saw him but hearing the truth of it made his thirst for blood lust grow.

Silvia: Oh Silver!

Silvia wrapped her arms around Espio and pulling him closer so the queen could hold Silver without hurting him.

Silvia: I can't believe this happened to you. I'm so sorry! I'm so so so so so sorry! Who did this to you Silver?

Silver: Spike, Streak and Spine.

Espio: They will pay for this.

Silvia shared the same anger that was plastered on Espio's face.

Silvia: Indeed. They will pay for this! If they think they can get away with this they are wrong! I will make sure of that!

Silver: But once they find out I told you they will come after me.

Espio and Silvia: No they won't.

Espio: I will make sure of that.

Silvia: Not with what I have in store for them but we will discuss this later. Right now, we need to get you to a healing bath.

She stood up and called for a guards.

Espio: No. I will take him.

Silvia nodded.

Silvia: When he is healed, please come back to me.

The chameleon nodded before he turned on his heel and made for the exit.

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