Chapter Seven

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Warning: These next few chapters will contain scenes that contain sex and inappropriate content. Please read with caution!

Silver sat in the darkness for hours, trying to break free from his bondage but to no prevail. He screamed out for the queen until he had lost his voice, then he sat there and cried where he wondered why he deserved this. He was starting to believe that everyone was right, that maybe the universe hated him because he was a runt, which made him sob even more. Once he couldn't cry any longer, he wondered if Queen Silvia was looking for him. Had she noticed he wasn't there? It hit him that the queen told him that the war with the Eggman Empire had gotten worse and she wasn't going to be around for the weekend. The hedgehog groaned, he was certainly going to be a goner.

The next day, Spike and his friends didn't return until the afternoon. They unlocked the door and entered the dark room, where they brought in candles and placed them all over the little shed. Silver slowly lifted his head as Spike approached where he roughly grabbed his jaw and grinned.

Spike: Have a long night Silvy?

Silver glared at him which resulted in a smile.

Spike: I think we outta leave him until the weekend, boys.

He stood and towered over the bounded boy.

Spike: Leave him without light again.

Streak: You should probably let him use the bathroom before we go then. Unless you want to clean up his piss.

Spike growled but decided his friend was right. He unhooked Silver from his bounds and dragged him to the corner of the shed where it divided into a small bathroom. He threw Silver in there, not bothering to help him in the least. After a few minutes of struggling, the young hedgehog came out and attempted to run to the door only to be caught by Spike. The older hedgehog punched him in the ribs sending the younger hedgehog to the ground and dragged him back onto the hook.

Spike: That's the only time you will be off the hook, Silvy.

Spike slammed his fist into Silver's nose, forcing a cry from the boy. His nose instantly began bleeding but luckily it wasn't broken...yet. Spike looked over at Streak with a smile and nodded. Silver watched the older boys exchange grins before Streak took Spike's place and held up a small sharp knife. Silver's eyes grew with fear as Streak brought the knife to his face.

Streak: Show me your blood, Silvy. I wanna see it.

Streak smiled sadistically, slowly pressing the sharp end into Silver's soft flesh.

Silver: S-stop!

Streak just smiled as he cut from his nose to ear.

Streak: Your blood is nice Silvy, its a nice shade of crimson. Like a deep me some more.

Spike and Spine laughed as they observed their friend slicing into the boy's skin. He had just cut the other side, this time deeper and pressed it into his skin so have the blood drip out. They ignored Silver's cries or pleas to stop, and whenever the hedgehog tried to wiggle or worm away, Streak would slap him hard, causing blood to gush out of the injury.

Streak next brought the knife to his forehead and began carving into his skin again but this time he was carving in letters.

Silver: Please! Stop!

his tears seeped into his sliced cheeks which made him cry out more.

Streak: There!

he stepped back and the boys looked at the carving as if it was a masterpiece.

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