Chapter Eight

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A/N: Prepare for more trouble and make it triple..

The school day started off as normal one, all the kids stood in their clicks, waiting around for school to start. The kids were grumbling about not being able to play Basketball and blaming it on Silver. They stood around, knuckles popping, hoping to get a hold of Silver before Espio came to shield him. They waited, and waited and waited but the chirpy little hedgehog never showed, even after Espio arrived.

Once the chameleon got up to the school, everyone swarmed around him, telling him how glad they were that he was able to run and were looking forward to the race today. He let out an irritated huff and was glad the bell rang for school to start so he could be free from his admirers.

Throughout the day a low murmur went around about Silver. The young hedgehog never showed up for any of his classes. It wasn't unusual for him to miss a class here or there but the school day had passed without anyone seeing him, which was unusual.

When it came to combat class, Espio was surprisingly early to class, reason being that he wanted to show Silver that he could run again and wanted to tell him to observe the tricks he used in today's race. However, when he got there the little hedgehog was no where to be seen. Espio asked Angel if she had seen Silver but the teacher said no.

Mrs. Angel: Apparently no one has seen little Silver. We've been trying to get a hold of Silvia to ask for his whereabouts but she has yet to answer. Perhaps she and Silver are off doing something together, though I think she would've informed us.

Espio tried to shrug off his concern, deciding that the queen had taken Silver out for the day. However, when school ended, the students were starting to walk home when the queen appeared before them. The froze and bowed before the queen. When they looked up they saw great concern on her face.

Silvia: Has anyone seen Silver?

Mrs. Angel: Wasn't he with you, m'lady?

Silvia: No! I've been busy with the Eggman Empire's war! My Guards told me that they haven't seen Silver since Friday!

The crowd gasped. Even though the students didn't care for Silver, they never realized just how much the queen cared for him. Seeing her worried and nearly in tears was not something they wished on their queen.

Silvia: Please, if any of you have seen Silver, please please tell me now!

Thrower: Queen Silvia! I haven't seen Silver since the end of school last Friday but I volunteer to help you find him.

Once that was said, the other students stepped forward and volunteered as well. Spike and his friends even volunteered, only to look less suspicious. The only one who didn't volunteer was Espio. He just stood there, arms crossed, looking up at the queen through those unreadable eyes. When his fans turned to him, waiting for their hero to volunteer (which actually surprised them that he wasn't the first to do so), however; he didn't. He simply shook his head, moved his feet and run away. His fans watched in horror as their hero refused to help.

Silvia: Thank you, all of you! This truly means everything to me! Let us split up and look for any sign of clues for him!

They spent hours searching for the lost boy. No one found any sort of clue until an hedgehog girl noticed dried mud on the school grounds. When she studied it, she noticed that it looked like some one had been sliding in it but slid off the edge. She also noticed some small white quills stuck in it. As soon as she saw the quills she called for Silvia.

Silvia: He must've been playing in the mud while he waited for my guards and slipped off!

She turned to face her guards.

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