Chapter Three

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The next few classes breezed by for Silver. Even though he couldn't fight and had trouble with math, he did well in his other ones. He didn't get the best grades but he did well enough to get passing ones. His third class had just ended and now it was time for his favorite, Combat Training Class. The class was held outside in the back of the school. The students would stand on platforms while Mrs. Angel explained what they would do today and then the students would take off and try to do that said thing. Silver, however didn't get to stand on the platforms, instead he sat next to Mrs. Angel, while she instructed the class of their assignment and sent them off. When the students were practicing, she had one on one time with Silver to help him fight.

Silver was the first to class. He always made sure he was, just because Mrs. Angel was always there which kept him safe from the bullies he shared this class with.

Mrs. Angel: Hello Silver!

Silver: Hello Miss! What are we gonna learn about today?

Mrs. Angel: Well I think it's a good idea that you watch the others, and observe how they train, so they will just be doing simple laps.

Silver: Oh cool! I can't wait to see!

Mrs. Angel: Say lad, how did you get that bruise on your arm?

Silver gasped as he realized he forgot to cover up the bruise from earlier.

Silver: I, uh, walked into-

Mrs. Angel: The brick wall again?

Silver nodded.

Mrs. Angel: You sure are clumsy, Silver.

Silver laughed nervously before he hugged his knees, wincing from the hidden injuries.

One by one the students arrived and began sitting on their platforms. Spine, Streak and Spike entered and glanced at Silver giving him sneers as they walked by. Finally, Espio had arrived, being the last one. He walked by Silver, completely ignoring him like he usually did and took his platform next to Spike.

Mrs. Angel: Good day class! Today we are going to be doing a race!

The class started mumbling in excitement.

Mrs. Angel: You will be racing around the school. The guards on the outskirts are putting down giant hurdles for you to jump over. You will be running around the school three times, The winner will receive a special prize.

Student: What's the prize?

Silver and Mrs. Angel: It's a SUR-prize!

The teacher along with Silver laughed at the bad pun while the class groaned.

Mrs. Angel: Alright class! Stand up on your platforms and get ready to race! -oh and for Silvia's sake Espio, try to put some sort of effort in this race.

Espio just stared at her, with his usual blank face and crossed arms pose and slowly got in his running position.

Mrs. Angel: Alright! On your mark, get set...GO!

The students jumped off their platforms and ran across the dirt path where they began to race. Silver stood up and followed his teacher up to the tower, where they could see the racers over the school.

Mrs. Angel: Now watch and observe how they train, Silver.

Silver tried to observe how they trained, and the angles they used but he soon he gave up as he was enveloped in watching the race. Streak and Spike were in the lead followed by a few others.

Silver: I wonder where Esp is.

Mrs. Angel: He is probably last, taking his precious time running.

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