Chapter Eleven/Final Chapter

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The three sat in silence while they let Silver fill up his stomach. Espio and Silvia hardly ate anything off their plates. A simple grape here and there or a bite of a hamburger, they couldn't help but watch the starved boy and feel remorse for him.

Silvia: Spike, Streak and Spine were the names of the boys, correct?

Silver nodded as the fear came back into his eyes.

Espio: What do you plan to do with them?

Silvia: I want to show the other students just what happens when you lie and betray me. As far as everyone is aware, you are still arrested and Silver is dead. Tomorrow at your execution-

Silver: Mom! No! You can't kill Esp!

Silver ran to the other and wrapped his arms around Espio's neck and clung to him, as if shielding him.

Silver: He's the one that saved me!

A small smile appeared from Espio's lips as he wrapped his arms around Silver's waist.

Silvia: Silver, Espio isn't going to be executed but the others don't know that. It's going to be staged. Tomorrow morning, everyone is going to be required to the arena for the execution, so the bullies won't be able to make it to where you were held captive, Silver, they will still think you are in there. Espio will be bounded with guards escorting him to the guillotine and I will make a speech about what happens when you betray me and I will ask for the bullies to step up and talk about becoming a favorite, so they think they will be rewarded the title. They won't expect a thing, that's where we will bring out Silver and expose the three for the horrible things they did.

The two students nodded as they understood the plan.

Silver: But Esp won't die right?

he held his protector tightly.

Silvia smiled and shook her head.

Silvia: No Silver, Esp will be perfectly safe.

Espio: What do you plan to do as punishment though?

He wanted those three bastards to suffer as they made Silver suffer.

Silvia: You will find out tomorrow, Espio.

Espio: So help me Silvia, if you-

Silvia: Don't threaten me Espio. I know you are upset-I am too, but I will handle what the punishment is.

Espio nodded.

The queen stood up and looked down at the boys.

Silvia: If you'll excuse me boys, I will take my leave now. I have a lot of planning and thinking to do tonight.

She walked over to Silver and gently kissed his forehead before hugging him tightly.

Silvia: I am so glad to have you back. I missed you so much.

Silver took his arms off the chameleon and wrapped them around Silvia, hugging her tightly.

Silver: I missed you so much too, mom.

They pulled apart and both looked at Espio. Silvia placed her lips on his forehead too and said,

Silvia: Thank you my little hero. Thank you for saving my Silver.

Espio: I promise to keep him safe.

Silvia: I know you will.

She gave him a soft smile before kissing Silver's cheek again then left the room.

Silver let out a yawn while wrapping his arms around the chameleon and nuzzled against him. Espio looked lovingly at the tired boy and gently kissed the cheek pressed against his own.

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