Chapter Four

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Silver stayed inside the lunchroom until recess was over and at that time he just didn't want to be at school anymore. He lifted his head, and pulled out his phone to call Queen Silvia. After a couple minutes she responded and teleported her little white hedgehog. When she saw him covered in trash she asked if the bullies had done it but he lied and said he tripped and fell in. The queen wasn't sure to believe him or not since that had actually happened before but she noticed his pink puffy eyes and asked again but this time Silver didn't answer, he just wanted to soak in a bath of healing potion and be clean. Silvia decided to drop the subject and let her little guy bathe in peace.

Silver sat in the bath of healing potion for a long while, letting the bath heal him of all injuries. For the first few minutes he just let the natural warm water cleanse himself of the filthy trash and mend his wounds, but after he was all cleaned up, he just hugged his knees and cried. It wasn't his fault that Espio decided let him stay and eat with him. He hadn't expected that to even happen! It just wasn't fair but then again lots of things weren't fair that he got punished for.

After an hour of soaking, he decided to get out and grab something to eat before he worked on some homework in his room.

He finished most of his work and decided to try creating the force field again though he failed miserably countless times. With a huff he closed his eyes and imagined Espio racing. He remembered the way Espio ran and how he angled his feet just so. Silver couldn't help but smile as he recalled but when he opened his eyes he saw he was still not surrounded by a force field but his ears were perking with glee. He giggled to himself before he flopped on to his bed and pulled out a plushie of Espio from underneath his pillows. He snuggled with it until he had drifted off into sleep.

A week went by since that day. Things for Silver were still hard. He received multiple beatings in the morning and during recess the kids at recess threw rocks at him so hard he had bruises and cuts. He dared not speak or sit down with Espio after the garbage incident and went back to sitting outside alone. During combat training class, Mrs. Angel held two more races in attempt to get Silver to make another force field, and both times Espio won, only because he felt like running fast. Silver watched as Espio ran and once again he got so excited that his own powers got him to make another force field once again.

It was lunchtime and combat training class just got out. All the kids grabbed their lunches and took their tables with their friends except for Spike and his gang. They grabbed Silver and pinned him to the wall as they started calling him names and beat him until they thought they were done. Silver managed to cloak his injuries with his little potion before he made his way to the lunchroom. He grabbed his portion of food before he made his way outside.

Espio watched him passed by and noticed a bruise on his arm and head and wondered how he got them. He seemed to be a really clumsy kid. He always had an injury or something on him. The kid needed to be more careful.

Minutes passed before his few fans tried again to sit with him but of course he snapped at them and told them to leave him alone.

Mrs. Angel: Ah, Espio! There you are!

Espio sighed, giving up on eating his lunch and glared, ready to snap another fan away when he saw it was his combat training teacher.

Espio: Mrs. Angel?

Mrs. Angel: I wanted a chance to talk to you and now seems like the perfect time.

Espio: About what?

Mrs. Angel: I didn't want to say this in front of the other kids, but you've got a great set of feet there! In all my years I've never seen an student so young being capable to run with such speed! How old are you my boy?

Bullied As A Freshman (Espilver)Where stories live. Discover now