Chapter Five

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The queen teleported them back up to the school grounds where everyone was cheering for the safe return of the students. Once they landed, they were both embraced by Silvia.

Silvia: Oh Silver! My sweet little Silver! You scared me! I thought I lost you!

She hugged and kissed all over his face, careful not to kiss his forming black eye. She turned to Espio and hugged him tight.

Silvia: Oh thank you Esp! You saved my little Silver!

Espio: It was...ngggg, no big deal.

Espio winced as he tried to pull away from her hug, only to accidentally move his body and have him cry out.

Silvia: You're hurt!

She turned to Angel.

Silvia: Take him to the infirmary!

Mrs. Angel: Yes M'lady!

Espio: I'm fine!

Silvia: You're hurt! I can see it on your face.

Espio: I'm, guh- fine!

Mrs. Angel: C'mon lad. Even if you are 'fine', you need to be checked out.

Angel grabbed Espio and led him to the infirmary.

The students watched in worry as their injured hero left with the teacher. Their attention was caught when Silvia stood up and towered over them as she held onto a sobbing Silver.

Silvia: I want to know what happened, right this second!

The crowd of students were silent as no one wanted to speak up, until the students whom had thrown the ball stepped out of the crowd and bowed before the queen.

Thrower: Queen Silvia, this is all my fault. We were playing Basketball and I threw the ball and it accidentally hit Silver and knocked him off.

Silvia: Was it really an accident?

Thrower: Yes, m'lady. I swear to you that it was an accident!

Silvia studied the student before deciding that he was telling the truth. She looked amongst the young students while she listened to Silver's soft sobbing.

Silvia: As of today, Basketball is no longer allowed.

Students: What?!

Thrower: But Queen Silvia-

Girl: It was an accident!

Thrower: Please, m'lady!

Girl: What if a teacher is present?

Silvia: If a teacher is present, Then you may but you can not be any farther than 6ft away from the court.

Thrower: That's hardly any running room though!

Silvia: I'm sorry but I don't want this to happen again! The guards are going to be moving closer into the school range and they will be watching to see if you obey. Those who fail to listen will be terminated from the school and be disqualified for king/queen of the kingdom. You are all dismissed for the day.

With that said, Queen Silvia and Silver disappeared in flash of light.

Silver laid on his bed, snuggling with his pillow while silent tears slid down his cheeks. He was glad that Silvia ended school for the day, after what happened he just wanted to stay in his room all day and cry his eyes out until he fell asleep. He couldn't help but think about how close he came to dying. Sure, a few times Spike and his friends came close to beating him to death but it was no near as intense as actually falling from the sky and knowing that in just a matter of minutes you were going to die.

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