Chapter 2

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Aaliyah pov

I waited for about half an hour before Ryan came back. I was tempted to go in but he asked me so nicely to stay put. He even kissed my forehead. Unconsciously my hand went up to my forehead and my fingertips rubbed were he kissed

"You alright love?" Ryan asked

I quickly removed my hand from my head and cleared my throat.

"Yeah, mmmh just a headache from the crying I guess."

We were now in the elevator but it wasn't going up it was going down. Down?


"Yes princess?"

"I thought that you live on one of the top floors."

"I do, but we going to my actual house so you don't have to be in the same place as that asshole."

"That's really sweet but you didn't have to."

"I know but I wanted to. If we stayed longer there he would have had more than just a broke nose. Probably a bullet to the head."

"What do you mean more than a broke nose and a bullet to the head?" I asked worried of what he did in there.

"Nothing just come on."

We soon arrived on the ground floor and walked out towards the parking lot. It was already 8:30 so it was dark out.

"Ryan, thank you so much for getting my things but I don't think it would be alright if I stayed with you tonight you are just a stranger after all." I was really not all forward to dieing tonight. He could be a wanted rapist or a murder.

"Love I'm not leaving you alone and no I'm not a rapist."

Did I say that out loud? Oops. Maybe I could call Kyle he would understand. He never like Mike anyway, he would be happy that I'm not there anymore but he also be pissed that he did me wrong.

"I do have a place to go. Can I maybe get my handbag I need my phone?"

He handed to me but hesitated at first. Why, I don't know. Taking out my phone looking for my best friends number. Dialling he picked up on the third ring.



"Babes are okay? You sound as if you were crying."

"I'm fine Kyle. I just need a place to crash at for tonight."

"You know you always welcome. I bet it has someone to do with that shitty boyfriend of yours."

"Yeah, about that we not dating anymore and could you pick me up there's no cabs ."

"I want to know want happened and no details will be left out. I have been wanting to shoot him anyways."

"Kyle! You can't go around shooting people. You promised me that you won't!"

"I love you! See you soon babes!"

"I love you too asshole!"

Ending the call and putting my phone back into my bag I turned around and saw Ryan stand there looking at the sky with a cigarette in between his fingers. He looked like a typical bad boy at that moment. Leaning against the drivers door with a cigarette in his mouth. Definition of yummy!

"Are you done checking me out?"

"S-sorry." Why am I stuttering?! God I just meant this man and he has this affect on me already!

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