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Most days, Gerard was left alone in the house while Frank went to work in the main headquarters where Frank's mob family worked, a place that Gerard had only visited twice. Frank was there a lot, he had to be, but sometimes he had important meetings with associates and took meetings in the conference room of their house. According to him, it allowed him to impress and intimidate them. He also allowed Gerard to sit in on the meetings, which allowed Frank to demonstrate his dominance. He refused to admit that he just enjoyed showing him off.

"They're pulling up in the driveway," Ray stated and Gerard followed him and Frank to the door and watched as a shiny black Lamborghini pulled up behind Frank's Ferrari. Gerard didn't know many of the people that worked for Frank, but the few that were at the top with Frank frequented the house and so Gerard knew them well. There was Ray of course, and Gerard's own brother, Mikey along with Ava who was the highest-ranking female mobster in the world. She was pretty intimidating and very dangerous; she was to be feared and respected.

Mikey was the reason he had met Frank, when Mikey became made into Frank's family he was sworn to secrecy when he took his oath and it wasn't until Gerard had almost destroyed his front door during a meeting with Frank and Ray at his house after weeks of silence from his brother that he found out what he had done. Not only was Frank furious at Mikey for revealing what it was he did to his brother, but Gerard was furious that he had not only joined the fucking mafia but that he was the underboss', right-hand man. He was less angry when Frank showed up at his house the next week, mysterious and threatening and asking him out on a date. Apparently, he had straight up told Mikey that he was interested in Gerard and, although hesitant at first to allow the boss of the mob to date his older brother, he gave a puzzled "sure?". Mikey had expressed his concerns to Gerard many times before they had gotten married because he wanted his brother to be safe and Gerard has listened to him every time. Although Mikey had been hesitant about his brother's relationship, he still stood by him as his best man at the wedding.

The three of them stood in the doorway, Frank in the middle of the two with his hand on Gerard's shoulder. The hand was gripping Gerard's shoulder tightly, it was something Frank did every time they had guests over to show that Gerard was his. Ray was standing slightly further back, hands behind his back.

"Welcome to my home, Mr McCracken. I'd like to introduce you to my underboss, Ray Toro and my husband Gerard Way-Iero," Frank spoke in an assertive voice once Mr McCracken had reached the porch. He looked like any other mobster, black suit and clean. The only difference between him and the other guys Gerard had seen was that he had long black hair. He was attractive and Gerard hadn't seen Frank jealous in too long and he was curious.

"Please, call me Bert. You have a wonderful house," Bert said, his eyes darting across the house to Frank and then Ray and finally Gerard. As his eyes settled on Gerard and stayed for a lingering moment, Frank's grip on Gerard's shoulder tightened and Gerard could tell that Frank knew what Bert was thinking.

You see, Gerard knew that he was easy on the eyes. He was a dominant's (or anyone's for that matter) wet dream; pretty, submissive and shy and he actually enjoyed being submissive. He enjoyed the punishments given to him, and how tightly Frank held on to him and he was lucky to have found Frank because he actually cared about Gerard. While Frank was controlling and dominant, he allowed Gerard to set limits and he adhered to them; their safe word had never even been used throughout their relationship because both of them trusted each other. Limits had never been breached and that was one of the many reasons he loved Frank.

"Thank you, if you follow Ray into the conference room, we'll join you shortly," Frank said and Gerard knew what that meant. Usually, Frank would walk their guests into the conference room unless he could tell there was something wrong.

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