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Gerard was slightly mad at Frank. It's not like Frank was being a dick, he was trying his best to spend time with Gerard but something was happening at work, something of which Frank refused to tell Gerard. Even when he was home, he was working, and Gerard hadn't been fucked in three days. He didn't need sex to be happy, but Frank was in another place and Gerard felt lonely. Frank was working at home today with Ray and Mikey and Gerard hadn't spoken to him at all.

"We have the final meeting with McCracken in an hour. He completed the tasks to a high standard, Ava was impressed. She said, and I quote, 'hire the bitch, he's good.' You need to decide if you're gonna confirm him," Ray said, knowing that Frank was already not a huge fan of Bert.

"Fucker better not get his hopes up," Frank said, glancing over to Gerard on the other side of the room who was frustratedly trying to draw. Nothing had been going right with the page, he couldn't get Party Poison's face right which was stupid as fuck since he was literally based off of himself, the plot didn't work and the dialogue was god awful. He'd been erasing the page every few minutes, angrily muttering curse words.

"He has a bad attitude, big deal. I watched him during every one of his jobs. He's good, Boss," Mikey spoke up. He'd been assisting Frank a lot more this week, which meant he was in on the big work secret. It pissed Gerard off that there was something his husband and his brother knew and he didn't. Frank didn't talk about work a lot, but he told Gerard what he did and what jobs he was doing, which was why Gerard was feeling anxious about being left out of the loop.

"Attitudes are important, some people don't listen and don't care. If they don't care, they don't respect or fear you which means what? If they get caught by the cops, we're all toast. But I'll think about it," Frank said. He knew Gerard was pissed, but he was focused on work and it was important, he couldn't tell him anything and it was important that nothing went wrong.

"Is Gerard joining us when we meet with him?" Ray asked, peeking over at Gerard who was pretending not to hear them. Really though, he was listening intently.

"Of course, you know exactly why he has to be there," Frank said, and Gerard's ears perked up but he didn't want to give Frank the satisfaction of looking up.


Gerard had reluctantly put his suit on, still not talking to Frank even when Frank was explaining what he had wanted Gerard to do. He'd just nodded. While they were waiting for Bert to arrive, they were stood at the bottom of the stairs while Ray and Mikey were outside waiting for the car. Frank's hand gripped Gerard's wrist.

"You're gonna have to talk to me sometime," Frank said, the both of them facing the large lobby. Gerard didn't say anything. Frank pulled at his wrist, forcing him to turn and look at Frank with an irate look on his face. "Don't be a bitch Gerard, you know you're being difficult."

"Not my fault," Gerard mumbled, he'd been ignored for days so he was just giving Frank a taste of his own medicine.

"I've been busy, cucciolo*," Frank muttered angrily. "I have to have my head in work mode."


"I know," Gerard muttered, looking down at the stairs. He understood completely, he was just tired of being alone all day and being ignored by Frank and Mikey. Frank had also refused to tell him what they were doing, which meant it was dangerous.

"Look at me, Gerard," Frank said, bringing his hand up to Gerard's face and cupping his jaw. Gerard looked up, pouting. "You know I love you, nothing is more important than you, but my attention has to be on other things right now. Sei il mio tutto.*"

*'You're my everything'

Frank leaned in, pressing his mouth to Gerard's. The most he'd had of a kiss in the past few days was a peck, so he took this excitedly. His mouth opened immediately, wanting to taste Frank's mouth and explore the way he had missed so much in the past week. Gerard buried his hands in Frank's hair, but the moment was over too soon.

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