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Frank knew he had broken his promise to Gerard, he hadn't been spending enough time with him and Gerard was being too nice about it. However, Frank also knew that this was going to be the biggest job of his career and he had to have his head in the game because of how dangerous it was. He'd been planning this hit for over two years so getting every single thing right was crucial. It also meant that not only was Frank in danger if he was caught, but Gerard would be too. It was safer for Gerard not to know anything, that way he was safe from the cops and the clan he was going after. A while back, Frank had decided that he needed to take out the boss of a rival family because of a long-going feud between theirs and his own that had spanned over the last ten years. He had info on the inside of the family and apparently once the current underboss takes over, everything will collapse. He had to do it carefully though because Lindsey was watching. He knew she had spies in his own family, which is why the only people he had told anything to was Ray, Ava and Mikey. They were working on this together and it was all going to end soon, final tweaks to the plan were being made and by the end of the month, it would be finished. Frank had hope, but there was still a part of him that was terrified about something going wrong, someone could get hurt or killed. If Mikey died, he had no idea how he would tell Gerard. If Frank died, he was afraid for Gerard's safety and how alone he would be. Even worse, what if everything went wrong and he got everyone killed?

"Is that it?" Ray asked, looking at the plans and blueprints that were spread over the table. "Have we finished planning?"

"I think so. This feels weird," Frank spoke aloud, glancing over the many papers strewn about, as well as the blueprints and character profiles. They had led up to these next few days for two years and it didn't feel real, finally getting everything refined felt like a dream to Frank.

"What does?" Ava asked, her eyes glancing around the table. She, along with Ray and Mikey, had been on in the plan since its conception. She had proven her trustworthiness to Frank at least a year before that, and he trusted Ray and Mikey with his life so they were the only people he allowed to know about the project.

"To be finished. Everything will be over in a few days. I don't know, I feel... empty," Frank thought about Gerard, about how Gerard hated to be left out of important things that Frank did at work. It wasn't that Frank didn't trust him with the information, he trusted Gerard more than himself, but this was the kind of information that could have gotten him killed.

"Maybe you'll better once we get her. I know I will," Ava breathed.

In all honesty, Frank really was just worried for Gerard. He knew this could end badly, and he needed to tell Gerard something. Anything. Because if Frank got himself or Mikey killed because of this, Gerard deserved to know.

"I need to go home. I can't look at this anymore. We meet here at 10 AM tomorrow, be prepared. Mikey, you should come back with me," Frank said, not meeting anyone's eyes.

"Why? Frank, you're the one who said we should do this, you planned everything out to the smallest detail. Nothing is going to go wrong. I'm not saying goodbye to my brother, because I don't need to. I have faith in you, have faith in us," Mikey said, his voice calm but with an edge of sadness, as though he didn't believe himself fully.

"I do. Maybe it's just nerves, but if something does go wrong-"

"Nothing is going to go wrong, Frank," Ava stated clearly and confidently. "If you start doubting yourselves now, you will fuck it up. So, I'm telling you now; we. Will. Win."

"I made a good choice in hiring you," Frank grinned, giving Ava a soft slap on the back. "But, I'm going home. Ci vediamo domani,*"

*'I'll see you tomorrow'

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