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When Frank has days off, he usually spent them worrying about how someone could fuck up his hard work and almost always called Ray at least 10 times a day. Today, he was determined to just spend time with Gerard instead. He'd been busy at work for weeks and hadn't been able to spend as much time with his husband as he'd like, all he wanted was a day to spend in bed being lazy and chilled out. He hadn't been able to do that for so long and he knew that Gerard missed him when he was gone this much, having to spend so much time alone in a giant house. He could keep himself entertained, that wasn't the problem, it was the fact that he had no friends there to be with him. Mikey worked just as much as Frank and the friends he does have are usually too busy if not called in advance.

Frank's peaceful day started out very unpeacefully when he was woken up by the sound of his phone's ringtone blaring at him. He blinked one eye open, took one look at the caller ID and sighed, accepting the call.

"This better be fucking important Toro," Frank grumbled into the phone, turning his head to make sure that Gerard hadn't been woken up by the phone. Thankfully, Gerard was still sleeping, his back to Frank as he curled in on himself.

"Did you think it was a good idea to take the day off when the deal was going down today? Or do you just not care anymore?" Ray asked, sarcasm seeping through the phone.

"Actually, I thought this was a good way for you to run the deal yourself. You're my underboss, Ray, you need to be able to run things one day and I need you to be able to do these kinds of deals yourself. Otherwise, I'll have to find someone else," Frank explained, keeping his voice low and quiet. Gerard stirred in the bed, turning over and burying his face in Frank's waist.

"No, no! Yeah, I got that; you don't need to worry. I'll make sure the deal goes down smoothly," Ray almost shouted, sounding nervous. Ray was good at following orders from Frank, but running everything was different and he had been preparing for an opportunity like this for a while.

"It better, I'm counting on you. Don't call again, unless you're being held at gunpoint," Frank said, his hand automatically coming down to caress Gerard's hair. Gerard's hair was soft, having had washed it for once the night before.

"Got it, thank you, Boss," Ray said and hung up. Frank looked at the time on his phone, it was 9:30 which made it too late to go back to sleep and too early to want to get up. His eyes landed on a book he was halfway through and picked it up, he hadn't opened in a few days but there wasn't much else to do unless he wanted to disturb Gerard, and he didn't want to disturb Gerard.

The book was in Italian and Frank sometimes preferred to read in Italian because it helped him retain as much of his mother tongue as possible. He mostly read in English, but Italian rolled off of his tongue more easily and there were times he read French, mostly for Gerard.

"Shouldn't you be at work, Frankie?" Gerard's quiet voice broke Frank out of his reverie, his face still hidden in the crest of Frank's waist. Frank hadn't told Gerard he had taken the day off because he wasn't sure Ray would be confident enough to take on the task he'd been given.

"I took the day off," Frank replied, closing the book but keeping his finger between the pages he was on.

"I thought you had a deal going down?" Gerard asked, his face coming up to greet Frank's. His eyebrows were furrowed and his hair was messy, Frank thought he was the cutest human being on the planet.

"I gave it to Ray; he needs to learn how to run things himself. I'm all yours today and we can have breakfast in bed. I've given the chef and the staff the day off too, so we can cook anything you want."

Frank missed cooking for himself, and he knew that Gerard wouldn't have mind cooking dinner for them both, he had said that so many times before, but he didn't want Gerard to be the stereotypical housewife from the 1950s while Frank 'brought home the bacon'. Frank didn't even eat bacon, he was vegetarian. So, Frank hired some chefs and butlers who had been looking for jobs and paid them a hefty price that they deserved. He was a criminal, but he wasn't rude.

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