Against The Heart

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As Julie came downstairs just after her date with Nick, she was head over heels over about how it went. She just wants to tell all her feelings to someone, and that wish just came true. Her father, Ray was in the kitchen by himself doing the dishes. She smiled and approached him, standing at the kitchen counter and as she did, Reggie appeared behind her.

"Does he see me?", he asked excitedly. "Please say he can see me!".

"I don't know, Reg.".

"What was that, sweetie?", her father asked as he looked up at her questionable.

Julie turned her attention to her dad, looking nervous at him. "Guess not.", she whispered to Reggie and he sighed feeling down. "Dad!", she squealed. "I just am so... last night was... I've no words.", she chuckled.

"You know what I would say? That your mother would be proud, she would be so proud.".

She smiled at her father, her eyes were having the feeling of awe. "Thanks, dad. I really felt like she was there with me last night.".

"Believe me, she was. She will always be with you, do you know how?", he asked and she shook her head. He walked towards her and grabbed her hand, placing her hand against her chest. "Cause she is right in there, your heart.".

"Aww, best dad ever reward goes to Ray.", Reggie said as he smiled.

"Can you just disappear? I wanna have this moment with him.", I said to him and he nodded as he poofed out of the kitchen.

"Who are you talking to?", Carlos asked as he walked into the kitchen. "Your ghosts?".

Julie looked at Carlos with widen eyes. "What? No no.", she said with a nervous chuckle. "Shouldn't-shouldn't you be in bed?", she stuttered and looked at her dad.

"The girl is right, kid.", Jay said as he looked at Carlos. "Get to bed.".


"No buts.".

Carlos sighed and then looked at me. "We are not done yet, sis.", he said as he walked upstairs to his room. She chuckled relieved as he left, but the feeling of finding out that the guys may still be ghosts made her feel a little down. She thought it would be different, but guess not. But that was not what she wanted to think about after what happen with Nick, she looked back at her dad.

"Dad, do you like Nick?".

"Nick? Yeah, he is a nice guy, that's why I approved you going on a date with him.", he said as he continued to do the dishes. "Why you asking? Are you insecure about him?".

"No no... I don't know. He have dated Carrie, and she have totally changed... but so have I in a way. Ever since I found music again, it have changed me.".

"I agree. And those boys you play with, we have them to thank for that.".

"I will definitely tell them that.", she smiled.

He nodded and finished the dishes, he leaned against the kitchen counter as he looked at her daughter. "Do you know what a very special person told me once? When you are insecure about something, grab the thing that means the most to you and hold onto it tight against your heart. Your heart always knows what to do, even when you don't know it.".

"Who told you that?".

"Your mother.", he smiled.

She nodded with a smile. "Thanks dad.", she said as she left the kitchen and went upstairs to her room. What Ray said was exactly what Julie wanted and needed to hear, it made her heart smile. Last night, she felt so close to her mother and then after it when she found out that she could actually touch the guys, she felt closer to them as well. And that date with Nick just felt so great, but it somehow felt different from how it usually feels when they hang out. She came into her room and sees Luke, Alex and Reggie being in there and she immediately closes the door.

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