10 - mission akaay/n

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rin's pov

"let's eattt alreadyy" i nagged. "wait rin, i'm checking out books." i think akaashi heard us. i'm hoping to make him envious so he'll finally confess to y/n.

anyway, i'm noticing akaashi staring at y/n. i should probably do something. i don't normally care if someone likes someone, but akaashi and y/n look great together.

"y/nn are you already paying for that?" my curiosity taking over. "yup. i'll get this book" she smiled.

when we got out of the store, i put my arm around y/n, and she seemed fine with it. That means I can keep making akaashi jealous.

we decided to eat at a katsu shop and the food looked delicious. like really delicious.

y/n's pov

when j saw these foods in front of me, my mouth began to water. oh, and i chose to sit next to rin, akaashi sat in front of me.

"who do you think it is, rin?" i say calmly. "i'll whisper it to you." he went in closer and whispered it.

my eyes began to widen as he said it. i had no idea i was so obvious. i didn't notice akaashi furrowing his brows at first.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

mission akaay/n

suna added bokuto, kuroo, kenma, tsukishima, sugawara, nishinoya, tanaka

suga sugar (sugawara)
what's this for?

best leader rin
i cant believe im saying this
cos normally i wouldnt care bout these typa shit but its gonna be our mission to make y/n and akaashi a couple

bedhead mf (kuroo)
why is that?

best leader rin
cos i know they both like each other
they're too pussy to confess
they make it so obvious that they like each other but are too dense to notice the hints that both have been dropping for one another 😐‼️

loudest mf (besties w bedhead) (bokuto)
agreed, y/n and akaashi would def make a great couple

chill dude (kenma)

suga sugar
true true

connie lookalike (tanaka)

shorty (not even wedges can help) (noya)

best leader rin
here's the plan, we'll make akaashi jealous by always hanging out w y/n and yall can do sum to make y/n jealous.

bedhead mf
sounds good

loudest mf (besties w bedhead)

chill dude
mhm y/n's a really good friend too, so she deserves this
one time i asked her if she likes someone and she told me yes but she didn't tell me who

shorty (not even wedges can help)
mf no one knew except for suga-san and kiyoko-san

suga sugar
suna how did you find out?
she only told me and kiyoko about it
no one else

best leader rin
i did a guess and whispered it to her
after i said it, her eyes widened and she confirmed it

same. i dont care bout these shit too but its okay for y/n i guess.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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