Chapter 6

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Besides Ben's hope of seeing Rey once more, he still had to explain to his uncle that he had lost his saber during his unauthorized trip. And that was something the prince was not looking forward to at all.

With long and hurried strides, and BB-8 at his heels, Ben made his way to the courtyard where he knew Luke Skywalker was waiting for him. Where he knew he was going to get in trouble, again.

Luke luckily wasn't as strict as Ben's mother, probably due to the fact that he was only his Jedi Master and uncle, and not his parent and ruler of Chandrila, but that didn't mean that Luke would take Ben losing his saber, a Jedi's weapon, easily.

As soon as the crown prince stepped outside, he could see the back of his uncle's gray streaked head as he stood in front of the training course he had put up for Ben. This made Ben uneasy as he noticed that his teacher had erected several droids with weapons for Ben to practice combat with and he swallowed hard. Maybe this wouldn't be as easy as Ben Solo thought.

Hastily walking down the stairs and taking two steps at a time to get to the training course, Ben completely forgot about the droid Poe had sent to keep him company until he heard a mechanical cry and a loud crash behind him causing him to glance behind his shoulder to see BB-8's head lying a couple of feet from his body. Prince Ben immediately tended to his best friend's droid by placing its dome-shaped head back on its round body.

"Please don't mention this to Poe," he whispered to the droid as he gave BB-8 a pat on his head. "He wouldn't let me hear the end of it."

Poe's orange and white droid chirped that Ben's secret was safe with him before following the prince to the older Jedi.

"Master Skywalker," Ben nodded curtly as a greeting.

"Ben," his teacher smirked. "I hope you aren't too exhausted from your little adventure earlier. I've prepared a dueling course for you today that should be a little more advanced than the one from last week. I believe it is only appropriate after you destroyed last week's battle droids shortly after our lesson started."

"Well, actually there's something you need to know before we start," Ben began which piqued his uncle's interest and caused the prince's heart to hammer nervously in his chest. "I lost my saber today."

The look on Luke's face could only be described as utter disappointment as he sighed and shook his head after Ben's confession.


"Look, I know it sounds bad and like I'm irresponsible, but that's not true. I just misplaced it at the market. If we just go look for it we will probably find it and..."

"No, Ben. I will send guards downtown. Your mother forbid you to step out of the castle again, even with supervision. You are still the Prince of Chandrila who is not only soon to become king but also strong with the Force. There is bound to be someone out there who wants to get you," Luke explained somewhat angrily.

"But we could fight off threats together, Luke. Like you just said, I am strong with the Force and so are you," said Ben a bit agitated. He felt like he was being kept in a cage again.

"No buts Ben. As future King of Chandrila you should know this by now. And as a Jedi in training you should also know by now that you need to take care of your weapon and not just leave it lying around somewhere." Even though his uncle's voice was still soft, Ben could sense the anger and disappointment beneath the quivering surface. And he could feel his own anger vibrate inside of him.

He was being scolded as if he were a child, again. People were making decisions for him. And he felt like he wasn't allowed to make mistakes, ever.

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