✦01✦ - Emma Winchester

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Chapter one
Mysterious Lifesaver


Emma stepped out of the elevator as she looked in both directions of the long and dark hallway. "Wilson?" No reply. She walked her way to his office and banged on the door with her flat hand. "Wilson?" Still nothing. "Wilson, I've got the lottery money!" she called out. "They're closing the store I can't stay any longer! Wilson?"

A faint rustle of footsteps had Emma spinning on the spot, she squinted her eyes to try and see in the dark as she stepped away from the door and toward the noise. She cautiously walked down the hall before slowly pushing an extra room door open.

"Wilson, you in here? I really want to go home. But I can't because I don't want to lose my job with you thinking I'm a thief," she muttered to herself feeling rather annoyed right now.

She flipped the switch to the room on and immediately shivered. Storage room. Hundreds of mannequins just standing around. God, why did she agree to work at a clothing store? She hated mannequins, especially after that one hunt with her dad.

Get a hold of yourself, Emma.

"Wilson? Wilson?!"

She walked down the thin aisle separating herself, the shit ton of boxes, and the creepy-ass amount of mannequins. Just as she reached another door the door she came through slammed shut. She jumped slightly before quickly running back to it. She pushed and shook the handle but it was either jammed or someone from the outside locked it. She took a step back before kicking at it in hopes of breaking it open, but no luck and just as she was about to try again she swung back around at another rustling noise.

Emma swallowed nervously as she glanced around, she reached for the blade tucked in the inside of her boot. Yes, she carried a weapon at all times. She was the kid of a hunter after all. Be prepared for anything, anywhere, and at any time.

She walked a step or two before a creaking sound dragged through the air, Emma snapped her head back and immediately cursed herself for coming down here. To the left of her, a male mannequin started moving. First, it was only its head from side to side, then it began shuffling until it was stiffly walking itself toward her.

"Crap! Not again," she whined starting to back herself up, but it didn't help the thing just continued to come at her, now followed by two more mannequins and then three. Four. Six. Seven. It was going to be an endless number soon this room was filled with mannequins.

Safest bet was demons and even in plastic form, the possession rules should still apply.

"Cristo!" she said her tone low and determined, but nothing. None of them so much as flinched. "Cristo!" she tried again, but still nothing.

Ghost then? She thought as she continued to back up. She glanced around before conveniently finding a crowbar sitting slanted against the wall, probably for all the crates that sat around the room.

Emma didn't need further encouragement before she grabbed the iron weapon and swung it around making sure to hit the closest mannequin square in its chest. It stumbled back at the forceful blow but didn't disappear and most importantly the crowbar didn't fly through its figure.

So, not a demon. Not a ghost. Then what the hell was it? Some kind of prank, maybe.

"Is this a prank?!" Emma yelled. Yeah, not the best approach but unless whatever was happening wanted to either melt or explode whatever was behind this better show itself or themself. "Derek is this you?! If it is I got it. Ha, ha, very funny!" she mocked but still, they continued to crowd her.

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