Year 1

"Y/n Y/s/n," Professor McGonnagal announced. I nervously walked up to the stool where the sorting hat lay.

"Interesting..." it trailed off. I was hoping to be in gryffindor but I wasnt brave at all so I was expecting to be put in Ravenclaw, which was the smart house, according to Hogwarts: The History.

I was astonished to say the least when an owl burst in from the window. Mom and dad were equally as shocked as they had never seen anything quite like it either. There was a letter attached to its leg, and mom being a vet, carefully went up to check if its leg was broken. She read the letter and handed it to me. I opened the envelope and it said I was expected at Hogwarts.

"What's that?" Dad said, taking the letter from my hand.

"Oh congratulations honey!" Mom exclaimed and now here I was, sitting in the stool with a bead of sweat running down my forehead.

"GRYFFINDOR!" boomed around the great hall and I stood up shocked and walked over to the table bursting with reds and golds.

"I'm Fred! And I'm George!" Two identical red headed boys said to me from across the table. I smiled and shook their hands.

Year 2

"Fred? George?" I said quietly in the common room. "Where are you?" I looked around and saw them sitting on the couch with a map in their hands. "This again? You guys have been trying endlessly for a year! Give it to me and go to bed." I told them.

"But y/n, we are almost there, look!" George said and muttered "mischief is all we do" I rolled my eyes at that phrase and looked at the map. "Mr. Padfoot would like to inform you that that was said already and we are waiting for more extravagant answers."

"Oh lord have mercy," I whispered and snatched the map out of their hands.

"Hey!!" They both whisper shouted and glared at me.

"You two to bed. Now."

"Almost as bad as mum she is," Fred said to George as they stalked towards the stairs in the dead of night.

"I heard that! And I take it as a compliment," I smiled.

He looked back, gave me a wide grin and walked up the stairs.

Year 3

"Has anyone seen my toad?" Neville's shy voice said.

"Here he is," I said holding out my hand. "Hermione told me were looking for him."

Hermione smiled and Neville took the frog from my hand. "Thanks!"

"Bloody hell mate! That's the third time he's lost him today!" Ron said to Harry.

"Ronald Weasley watch your mouth!" I scolded him. He turned bright pink and Fred and George burst out laughing. Harry cracked a smile and the two boys ran up to their dorm. I smiled and looked down to a laughing Hermione shaking her head.

Year 4

"Hey Gin," I said as I heard her coming into the common room.

"Hey," her voice said. I looked up to see her shaking and pale.

"Merlin's beard, what's wrong?" I asked as she sat down next to me.

She pulled out a worn out diary and handed it to me. "The diary... it answers to whatever I write in it," she said.

I picked up a quill and opened the diary. 'Who are you?' I wrote and swirly handwriting answered.

'Tom Marvolo Riddle.'

Year 5

"Oh my god I'm so scared. Fred, ask me a question," I urged him. We had our OWL's tomorrow and I was terrified. "Um, what's the spell for unlocking a door?"


"Thanks," george said from the other end of the couch.

"No problemo."

I fumbled with my fingers and Fred held my hand in his, "Relax y/n, you've got this. I can't remember a single time when you didn't know the answer to a question one of the professors asked you."

I smiled weakly and george scooted over with his herbology textbook in his hands. He smiled at me and I shook my head.

"What's the problem?" I asked and his smile became bigger.

"Mandrakes," he said.

"Here we go again," Fred said from his seat and I laughed.

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