Countryhumans x Undertale|| Hate AU pt.1

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hate rus part lmao)
The part where Russia goes haywire, I save some dead people in the Rp , we discover magic, and a mysterious duo appears out of nowhere.
It was a good ol' day for everyone until America lost his oil.

"Russia where the fuck is my oil?"
Russia looked up at America, "How the fuck am I supposed to know, it's yours, not mine."
America gave Russia a look of disbelief and responded, "Dude, you're the only one who knows where I hide my oil! What the fuck did you do to it?!" Russia, having the short temper he has, started yelling and insulting America. "EXCUSE ME-  I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE FUCK IT IS. YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO'S ADDICTED TO OIL HERE." "YEAH, AND I KNOW WHERE I HIDE THE OIL I DROOL OVER, BUT FOR SOME FUCKING REASON I CAN'T FIND IT!" "THEN IT'S NOT MY PROBLEM-"
America clenched his fist and anger and also started yelling,"YES IT IS! RUSSIA, STOP HIDING SHIT FROM ME. YOU HIDE SHIT FROM ME ALL THE DAMN TIME!" Russia started yelling louder. "I'M FUCKING SERIOUS!" "So am I dumb-dumb." "WELL I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE HELL YOUR BULLSHIT IS." Russia had been telling the truth, why didn't that American believe him? America didn't believe Russia at all. Russia would always lie about what he had done. "I LOOKED EVERYWHERE AND IT'S NOWHERE!" Russia might have lied but America would also put the blame on Russia when he had not done anything and Russia had enough of it. "Well you're blind then!" "Yeah right, blind. HELL NO."
Russia shook his hands chaotically. "Yeah, you're blind!" America wasn't having this any longer, he swiftly got off the couch and slapped Russia in his with all his force. He was going to prove to the Russian he wasn't blind, even though he knew it was just to make him mad.
"Am I blind now? I really wish I damn was so I wouldn't have to see your ugly ass face!" Russia stared at him silently. Russia's eyes started glowing bright pink, he no longer cared for America as a human. He grabbed America's throat and started choking him. In less than a second, America was up against a wall trying to free himself of Russia's grasp. America was having trouble gasping for breath but he had managed to get three words out of his mouth. "W-what the h-hell?!"
He made eye contact with the now insane Russia. "What happened to y-you?" Russia didn't respond, instead he threw America at the wall. America's head hit the wall harder than anything else. He knew he couldn't take anymore damage. "I'm sorry-!"  America hoped the apology would make Russia stop but he was terribly mistaken. Russia ran towards America and started choking him again. "S-stop choking me!" "Shut the fuck up and suffer."  Russia wasn't going to stop. He wanted to see everybody around him in pain.
Russia proceeded to throw America on the floor, hurting America's back and making a large crash sound throughout the house. Germany, Singapore, and Britain were just downstairs when they heard the large crash from the living room.
"The bloody hell was that?" Britain asked after nearly choking on his tea. "I think something fell in the living room." Singapore walked towards the living room, only to be met with a fight scene. Germany followed behind and quickly tried to stop them from fighting, only to be kicked away by Russia. "Ru-Russia? What are you doing to Ame?!" Singapore shouted over the noise of the fight. Russia didn't answer, continuing to choke America on the floor again. Germany crawled back, holding his stomach in pain from the kick "Am-America? Are you ok?" He asked the country when Russia stood up and confronted the Asian country standing at the exit. "Why are you so mean Russia?" Singapore questioned the hate-filled Russian as he advanced towards him, "Ru-Russia, don't hurt them." Germany tried to move towards Russia, "Shut up four eyes." "Russia, I-" Germany seemed hurt. "I am tired of this bullshit." Russia spawned a knife, "Guess I'll have to kill you all." "W-what" America looked at Russia, something in particular seemed wrong with him, this isn't Russia surely, right?
Singapore quickly ran to the hallway and took a deep breath, shouting as loud as he can "DAD! HELP US!" A few seconds later, the British country appeared around the corner and went over to Singapore "Hm? What is it Singa?" "Russia is trying to kill us- WOAH-" A knife flew past Singa, nearly hitting him. "What? Why?" UK asked as another knife flew past again."I don't KNOOWW-" Singapore once again dodged another knife. "Calling for help isn't going to work.." Russia turned around to look at the two, a creepy, twisted smile spread across his face. "Russia?! What are you doing?! How did this even start..?!" Another knife nearly hit UK on the foot. "Shut up old man.." "Old man?? Excuse me young fella, where are your manners?" UK shot back at Russia. Russia flipped his knife and threw it at him "Do I look I care?".
UK noticed America hurt on the floor, with Germany trying to protect him, he picked his son up "Did you do this Russia?! America are you ok?" Russia looked away "You don't know what I've been through.." "Russia, we have been through a lot, just tell us and we can help each other out." "Yeah, please tell us what's wrong!" Singapore agreed with UK.
Ukraine heard the crashes and shouting from the living room and decided to check out what's going on. "Yo, what's going on here?" He noticed the battle going on. "Oh god." Germany crawled over once again "Your bro is acting weird Ukraine- OUCH-" Germany got stabbed on the leg by a knife. "Weird.." Russia seemed to detect Ukraine's presence, smiling evilly, he flipped his knife and threw it at Ukraine, stabbing her on the chest. Ukraine was shocked, he didn't know her brother would kill her. Falling onto the ground, her soul cracked, and he was near to shattering. America looked at Ukraine and back to Russia, shocked by his action. "Rus-Russia, you-you- please tell me you're joking.." Singapore and UK seemed shocked too. Russia turned around and looked at everyone, black substance pouring out of his eyes. "So.. WHO'S NEXT?!"
A rain of knives showered down on them, UK frantically tried to heal Ukraine as he dodged the rain of knives."It's all my fault.." America said silently as UK tended to his wounds in a corner. "Huh? Why?" UK asked as he bandaged his knee "Dad I got mad at him first, I shouldn't have been so angry because I couldn't find my oil-" "America, you can apologize to him when this is done, it's okay-" Suddenly a knife flew towards their direction, "WATCH OUT-" America closed his eyes, waiting for the painful moment of the knife stabbing into his chest. But the moment never came, when he opened his eyes, he saw a orange shield-like thing in front of them, then realised his hands were glowing orange, does that mean.. he can do magic?
"Woah this is cool!" America stood up and realised everyone was looking at the magic emitting from their hands, realising maybe all of them had magic, he was kind of excited, but he had to get Russia to stop being so possessed, wondering if his magic can do anything about it, he started fighting Russia, as more knives rained down. But because all of them had magic, it was much more easier to protect themselves from the waves of knives that came faster and more dense at them.
Canada must have probably heard the commotion inside the living room, so he ran in. "DON'T GET IN HERE!" Germany yelled as he pushed Canada out, but at that angle, Canada can see the hurt body of Ukraine's on the floor, "No..NONONONO!" He ran towards the hurt country "You'll be fine... please stay with me Ukraine.." he hugged Ukraine close, but then Russia turned around, and threw another knife at them, intending to kill Canada.
But the knife hit someone else.
Germany went and took the hit, he smiled at Canada, then he fell to the floor, blood spilling of out the stab wound. Canada looked at the country who sacrificed his life for him, a light blue heart thing suddenly appeared above Germany, emitting this blue glow and the same strange magical energy emitting from everyone else. Russia grabbed it and used a bit of those black substance to create a ball encasing the strange light blue heart inside. Smiling, he continued raining denser rains of knives.
"When this is done?? We'll be all dead when this is done, even if we have magic, we can't do this forever!" Singapore wailed over the noise of knives and magic. Canada stood up, his eyes filled with vengeance, grabbing an axe, he started fighting Russia. Even if Russia was more powerful than Canada, he was starting to get overpowered by the ferocity of the Canadian. Then he got an idea.
Philippines sat outside, until an axe nearly hit her, looking around, she saw Russia smiling evilly, "Rus-Russia? Wha-" A knife pierced her chest, as Russia grabbed her soul out of her chest, he stabbed her a few more times, until UK intervened and whacked him backwards and quickly ran to the first aid kit on the wall, after bandaging Philippines' he ran back to fight Russia, only to be met with a dead Singapore on the floor. "SINGA- SINGA ARE YOU OK?!" UK kneeled down and shook the dying Singapore "No please..please hang on Singa..please.." Singapore slightly opened his eyes, seeing UK, he smiled "I love you dad.." then he fell limp. "Singa? SINGA!" UK looked as if he was about to cry. Russia laughed, "Seems like someone's heartbroken, but don't worry.." he raised his hand with a knife "I will make this quick." Just as Russia was ready to stab him, South Korea stood in front of Russia.
"South Korea?" Russia seemed surprised, but the expression was replaced with a malicious grin. "That's another to kill then~" "EVERYONE, RUN!" shouted South Korea, Russia swiftly grabbed America and slid his knife in front of his throat.
"..H-Hey Russia? It's my fault, alright? It's my fault you did this.." The grip on the knife tightened "It's my fault for everything and I h-have no idea why I even shouted..You're worth more than oil.." Russia's arm was shaking "..I'm sorry.." Tears ran down America's face.
Then silence, then a wheeze from Russia broke it.
Russia laughed, he laughed and wheezed, then he grabbed America's throat and lifted him up, choking him. "STOP DOING THIS TO PERSON YOU LOVE!" South shouted. Russia stared at South Korea "..There's no person I love in my soul.. and I don't care.." "BUT THERE IS SOMEONE! I protected you! Please don't do it.." South started crying. Russia paused for a moment, even a person filled with hatred and evil was confused on what to do next. America approaches Russia, laughing a little "I don't care what you think about me..I just want you to know you're loved by everyone in this room, everyone including me." Russia looked away." It never...ever seemed like it and I never thought I'd confess like this b-but- Haha..! here we are.." The others looked at this heartwarming scene "I just want you to be happy.. End me if you want, I really don't care .I'm never going to truly hate you because of that." South Korea tried to reach out to America, "Ame- no!"
At this moment, Russia coughed out black substance , America hugged him "Ha..ha, you really drank my oil didn't you..Just joking.."

"I-is Russia ok now?" UK asked "Yeah probably..I'll deal with the dead bodies.." South Korea said as he looked at Canada hugging Ukraine.
"I'll go call Belarus and Kazakhstan." South Korea walked to the telephone in the kitchen.

"This place is strange, I wonder why are we called here."
*You say you know, but they say the Hate substance seemed to be here.
"..Well then, let's go find it.."


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