Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Jacielle

Zayn's house is beautiful. There was a marble staircase to the right and a living room to the left. I turned to the left and my mouth dropped. The couch was black and suede, which was a huge contrast compared to the stark white walls. There was a bookshelf against the far wall and a few abstract paintings hanging on the others. I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I quickly turned around and came face to face with Louis. "Come on Red. I have to take you to your room." I sighed.

"My hair's not completely red." I whined twisting my auburn hair around my finger. "Did you guys get all the suitcases?" he sighed.

"Unfortunately, we did and we carried them upstairs." I smiled. "Just follow me." He threw over his shoulder while ascending the stairs.

'How are you and El?" I asked and his face lit up. It was the happiest I've seen him since I arrived in England three hours ago.

"We're absolutely perfect!" he squealed like a teenage girl and I shook my head. "How are you and Harry?" I saw the mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Oh no, we're strictly just friends." I stuttered.

"Of course you are Red." He shook his head and opened the door at the far end of the hallway. "Since you're the only girl you get all this to yourself." I walked in and instantly smiled. The room was huge and gorgeous. The walls were a dark burnt orange with a cream colored bed and rug. The carpet was a rich chocolate brown as was the curtains. All my suitcases were thrown in a pile by the bed. I remembered when I was ten and Harry asked me where I wanted to live when I grew up.


"I want to live in a mansion." I proclaimed in pride. Harry smiled.

"Never in your whole entire life will you step foot in something remotely close to a mansion." I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Did you know that you are the worst best friend ever?" he smiled and nudged my shoulder.

"I'm just kidding love. We're going to grow up and be famous together." I smiled.

"I sure do hope so."


"Red!" Louis's yelling and frantic waving snapped me back to reality


"Just making sure you weren't brain dead or something." He smiled.

"I'm actually really smart." He busted out laughing.

"That's a good one!" I put my hand on my hip.

"Get out Lou!" I smiled and pointed to the door.

"Whatever you say Red!" he was laughing all the way back down the hallway. That boy had some serious problems. I unpacked every single one of my suitcases, and let me tell you, it took an eternity before Niall popped his head in.

"Um... Jace?" I turned around and stopped fixing the drawers.

"Yeah what's up?"

"The food is done." I dropped my mouth.

"And you didn't tell me earlier?" he began to say something, but I cut him off. "I'll race you." He smiled. "Go!" I pushed past him and took off down the hallway.

"Get back here!" I turned around which was a mistake because I ran into the wall right before Niall picked me up and tossed me over his shoulders.

"" I whined hitting his back. "I think I have a minor concussion."

"I can't help it that you're slow and well..." I could sense he was smiling.

"Whatever, just don't look at my butt." He laughed.

"Well it is rather large." I smacked him.

"Niall! I will make you unable to produce offspring." He immediately stopped laughing.

"Please don't." I was about to answer when Louis interrupted my thinking.

"Niall put Red down so she can eat!" Niall dropped me on the floor. And might I say ouch?

"Forget her! I want my food first. I ran to get down here!" Louis's eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh you got Niall to exercise?" I stood up and shrugged. All the boys were laughing and smiling besides Harry. His face was set in a forced smile, but I thought I saw a gleam of jealousy in his eyes. Why would he be jealous? I remembered when we were fourteen and we sworn off dating each other.


"Let's make a deal." I said one night as we were watching the rain fall outside the bungalow window.

"And what would that be?" he asked standing behind me.

"I promise I won't fall for you if you promise to be my friend forever." He put his finger to his chin.

"Deal. And same for me." I smiled.

"Deal." I said as I traced one raindrops lonely path down the window.



After we finished eating, Liam insisted that I didn't need to help clean up the mess. "Well I'm going to bed guys." They all said goodnight and I went up to my room. I picked up my most comfortable pajamas, purple shorts and a black cami. I was pulling off the shirt when my door opened and Harry stepped in. "Hazza I could've been naked!" he smiled and I rolled my eyes. "Don't even say it. I don't want to know." He pretended to zip his mouth closed and I slipped on the cami.

"Are you going to put your shorts on too, because..." I held my hand up.

"Styles if you keep going I swear when you leave this room you will waddle permanently." He smiled.

"Is that a promise?" I threw a pillow at his face, but it wound up hitting the wall five feet away from where he was standing. I dropped my head in embarrassment. "Still can't throw?" I crossed my arms.

"Will you get out so I can finish getting ready for bed?" he smiled.

"I just wanted to know how you felt about the boys?" he asked seriously.

"I felt like I've known them for years." I said honestly, realizing how true the statement actually was. He walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"Good." He whispered into my hair before kissing me one my forehead. "Goodnight Jace."

"Goodnight." I said before he walked out of the room.

"Goodnight Red!" I heard Louis scream from down the hall and then a chorus of goodnights followed yet again.

"Goodnight guys!" I yelled back before changing into my shorts, flipped off the light, and snuggled into the soft blankets. I thought about how lucky I was to get to know great people like the boys and how even though I lost one brother I would always have someone who would protect me.

And that person is Harry.

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