O - is for Over

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I could tell how nervous Erin was by the way her eyes darted from place to place; she also kept reaching up to fix her high ponytail. We were just approaching the Don's pub where she would be meeting her mom, and I had long given up on small talk as Erin was not paying attention at all. I knew her mind was elsewhere, and so we walked in silence as we both processed in our own worlds.

I reached for the worn gold-painted door handle to open it for her, but I saw her pause and take a shaky breath.

"E, are you sure you want to do this?" I watched her close her eyes and take in a few deep breaths to try and settle her nerves.

"Might as well get it over with... we're already here anyhow" Her tone sounded numb and cold, and I took it that I should just step back and let her go through this. She knew that I would always be one step behind her in case anything happened.

Erin marched into the pub with her head held high and I followed a few moments later, taking a seat at the corner near the door in case I needed to help with a quick escape. Erin, on the other hand took a second to survey the scene until she spotted what she perceived to be her mother's figure sitting at the bar; her back to the entrance. Of course.

I watched almost in slow motion as Erin walked up to her mother and tapped her on the shoulder. Her mother whipped around and, in a way too loud and shrill voice, let out a "Cupcake!", stretching the 'a' way too much. Bad sign.

I carefully moved to a seat a little closer, still sticking to the booths by the wall. Since it was still early, there weren't many customers at the pub, but you could tell who was just there to day-drink.

I saw Erin cautiously sit down at the bar stool next to her mother, it wasn't hard to tell that her mother had already started drinking as there were two glasses in front of her. Yet her mother still gestured dramatically to the bartender to get two more of "their finest". I didn't think the bartender was supposed to roll his eyes that hard, but I could see it from here. That made me chuckle, poor dude.

A cute waitress came over to my booth soon enough, and asked if I wanted a menu and I tried to explain that I was just looking out for my friend and I don't think I would be staying long enough to order.

"Your friend's the one with the loud lady at the bar, eh?" She laughed as I nodded and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I don't think you'll be here too long either. Let me get you some water though so you don't look too suspicious."

I smiled in gratitude and the waitress left to go serve another booth not far from mine. I tousled my hair casually and took out my phone out of my pocket to see if I had any messages. Considering I had been here more than twenty seconds and there was no screaming yet, I started to believe that Erin and her mom might actually hold a conversation.

Seeing that I had no messages, I absentmindedly gazed around the pub. It looked to be an older structure; walls cluttered with mismatched framed photos of smiling customers. The tables seemed worn down and the carpet that blanketed the entire pub floor had many faded patches. Although the place would be considered a bit of a dump, you could sense the sentimentality in the air. The pub had history.

The waitress appeared out of nowhere and placed down a square napkin and a glass of ice-cold water in front of me, bringing me back to reality. I looked up at her smiling and thanked her quietly, to which she gave me a quick wink before moving to the next table.

I subconsciously raised the glass to my lips and sipped slowly, observing Erin and her mother. Her mother's slurring could be heard by everyone at this point, and the words that were tumbling out of her mouth were becoming less and less pleasant. It wouldn't be long before the situation would erupt. I put my glass down, ready to gather myself and head towards Erin.

Although I hadn't purchased anything, I had wanted to leave a little tip for the friendly waitress. It was when I had reached into my pocket to get some change that I noticed something scribbled on the napkin under my glass. Lifting it slowly, I immediately felt a heat flare up in my back and my stomach began to feel funny.

807-452-1010 call me :)

I placed the glass back over the napkin and took a deep breath. Shaking the situation out of my mind, I left a few coins on the table and got up.

As I got closer to the bar, Erin's mother began to wave her hands around in a dramatic fashion and I caught the tail end of her sentence, "-I could even hook you up with Frank here, he'll fuck you straight no problem!"

And that's all anyone needed to hear.

"Oh hey Erin, so funny to bump into you here on this fine day" I nonchalantly said loud enough to take the spotlight off of Erin who's clenched face clearly indicated that she was about to lose it. Luckily, it also caught Erin's mom off guard. Unfortunately, she just looked at me with distaste. I guess my handsome looks and masculine physique didn't appeal to her so much.

"I remem'er yous. You're that other lesbo? You two scissorin' and shit now?" Erin's mother slurred loudly, her balance wavering on the bar stool. I never understood why the bars had stools in the first place when they knew that drunks would easily fall over. Maybe it made for light entertainment for the bartenders.

"Oh yes ma'am, we're fucking like rabbits and no one's getting pregnant, you should try it. I bet you'll like the taste of pussy." I smirked and I could hear Erin attempt to stifle a snort. Erin's mother just sat there, mouth agape, trying to process a comeback or even just basic words, who knows really.

"Anyhow, so great to see you again. You might want to close your mouth by the way, unless you're practicing your tit-sucking face, which in that case, I'd suggest more tongue." The bartender let out a snort that time. I turned to Erin and cupped her cheek gently just for added effect, "darling, shall we go continue shagging?"

The sly smile and glint in Erin's eyes almost made me break character, but thankfully we both managed to keep our composures. "Sure sexy," she turned to her mother who was still at a loss for words, "see ya hopefully never again mumsy." 

With that, Erin stood up and blew her mom a superficial kiss and winked at the bartender. She even gave a little flirty wave to poor Frank, who just came in for a damn drink but got caught up in quite a show.

Erin swung an arm across my waist, and we sashayed out of that dump with our heads held high. The second the door had closed with a thud behind us though, we broke down laughing hysterically.

"Tit-sucking? Really? That's what you could come up with?" Erin struggled to intake some oxygen between each word.

"Well sorry," I stretched out my words, trying not to cry from laughter, "I'm better at making up stories for kids than drunk adults. Although they're both super gullible."

We headed towards the bus stop, both of us shoving each other which caused us to erupt in uncontrollable giggles once again. At least we managed to leave the scene in better spirits. Though once on the bus, we settled into a comfortable silence.

"It was bad, eh?"

"She's a drunk monster. I guess she'll never change."

"But she knows what scissoring is, so maybe she's been doing some research?"

That got us both giggling all over again.


I know it's been a while, but its been a super busy time and I had a bit of writer's block, not going to lie. But I've done a lot of writing in the last 24 hours so hopefully I'm back!

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