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You sway your feet in the air lightly so that you won't fall on the hanging chair. The birds were flying up above and you can't help but to stare at them flying around swiftly.

You were holding your cup of herbal tea and just finished eating your croissant for breakfast. 

"Hello there" Namjoon, who was walking stopped when he saw you chilling in this garden.

"Hi" you smiled, taking a sip on your cup.

"Where's Taehyung? Why are you alone here." he asked as he took a seat on the hanging chair beside you.

You finished your cup of tea before placing on the glass table nearby. You then sway your feet again, causing the chair to move.

"He's still sleeping. I was waiting for him to wake up but I got bored and decided to go out and eat my breakfast."

"Oh I see" he nodded, placing the book on his lap and started to move the chair with the help of his feet on the ground moving it with force.

"Please stop thinking that Y/N it makes me laugh you know." He laughed, looking at you with his deep dimples showing.

"Oh shit I'm sorry. You're just h-hot you know, I can't help but to think of it." you look away, absolutely embarrassed in front  of him.

"Taehyung is hotter than me you know."

"Uhmm, I don't think so."

He laughed his head falling back.

"You're too harsh Y/N tss." you slightly jumped on your seat after hearing the deep voice of Taehyung.

He took a seat at the glass chair beside the table which is infront of you. His eyes looked at you dangerously with his gray and a mix of dark purple irises.

"I think it's time for me to go." Namjoon stood up, picking his book.

"Namjoon wa-"

You got cut off when you saw his figure disappeared with dark blue mist surrounding him.

You sighed, looking at Taehyung who was eyeing you all the time with raised eyebrows.

"Gosh Taehyung don't tell me you're jealous?" you stood up and stopped just few meters away from him. Both hands at the end of your hips while you raised your eyebrow too, concealing your smile into a frown.

"So what if I am huh?" He scoffed, crossing his arms together and placing his right leg on top of his left thigh.

"Why would you feel like that? We're just talking." You placed your hand on top of your forehead while shaking your head.

"Talking? I know you have a crush on him Y/N."

You can't help it, so you burst out laughing your ass off. He was confused for a second but his expression came back to being pissed after knowing what's in your mind.

"It's not funny"

"Taehyung how many times do I have to tell you that I just find him attractive! You're the one I will only like I swear!"

"Says the one who dm me on Instagram and started to have a crush on me because I was attractive and hot."

"That was before, I'm just joking around that time okay?"


"I was just joking around, but I seriously have a crush on you ever since we started talking to each other."

"Tsss" was all he could say.

He stood up, and you expected him to come near you but instead, you saw dark purple mist infront of you.

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