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"Chaeyoung?!" you were shocked at woman infront of you who was smiling like the idiot she is.

"What the fuck?! Who are you?" Jimin stood in front of you  with his fist in a defense position, ready to fight.

"Outta my way shortie"

"Dare to say that again" Jimin glared at her

"Shortie, dwarf, midget, teeny-ween-"

"Enough" you cut Chaeyoung off and pushed Jimin aside.

"Why are you here? I thought you were dead?!" You pulled her closer and hugged her.

"Pffffts I'm not actually dead and girl,let me tell you about all of this later we need to get out of here now yeah?" She grabbed your hand.

"How though?"

She smirked, pulling you towards the door and peeking at the rectangular window.

"One, two, three, four, five, six down." She laughed and opened the door.

"You two, if you want to come with us it's completely fine but if you don't I don't care. Rot in here i guess" she shrugged as she run outside pulling you behind her.

"Hey wait!" the two prince shouted and came with you and Chaeyoung.

Since all of the guards were on the floor, knocked out it was easy for all of you to escape.

"Hey stop! I hear horses running towards our direction." Jungkook said.

You all hide beside a huge tree as Jimin and Jungkook tried to see who they are.

"How did you manage to let those guards down by the way?"

"I know they love alcohol so I tried to sneak out and put those poison in those bottles luckily they did not notice me but they caught me getting out of the storage room that's why and I'm glad it turned out how I expected it to be."

"Hyung, is that Namjoon hyung and our four brothers?"

"What?!" You shouted taking a peek beside Jungkook and saw 5 horses running towards your way.

You saw Taehyung with his serious face on and oh my gosh he is hot even in that situation.

"It really is them!"

They seem to stop in front of that place where we got locked up and one by one, they jumped down from the horse Taehyung being the first.

"Hey let's go to them" Jimin grabbed Jungkook's arm and also yours and started running to them.


All of them turned towards where the sound of the voice came from, in sync. All of them were wide eyed except from Yoongi and Taehyung. Yoongi was like blank but the warmth on his eyes says otherwise while Taehyung was......worried?

He was looking at you then down to your arm who was still on Jimin's grasp.

"Yeah and then suddenly that fucking guard opened the door and placed Y/N in! I was confused at first but I started to-" Jimin paused then looked at Taehyung who was raising his one eyebrow while also tilting his head.

You noticed how the grip from your arm loosened and saw Jimin letting it go.

"Anyways, we're safe and that's what matters." Jungkook smiled, cutting the short awkward silence off.

"E-enough with the talking, let's celebrate it later we still have one task to finish." Taehyung looked at you for a while before looking away and walked to his horse.

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