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Gavin: Oh my God, guys! Santa won't be able to reach us this year because of Corona Virus!

Elias: Uh, Gavin-

Joey: Elias, I know what you're about to say, and I'm gonna stop you right there.


Gavin: I hate you with every inch of my body!

Joey: That's not a lot of inches..


Elias: You read my diary!?

Gavin: At first, I did not know it was your diary.

Gavin: I thought it was a very sad, handwritten book.


Elias: I'm creating a new drinking game. It's called "every time I'm depressed, I take a drink"

Joey: This game already exists. It's called alcoholism.


Gavin: I'm small but knowing.

Joey: You don't know what the top shelf looks like.




Gavin: Wow, RUDE


Elias: You need them to think you're stronger than you actually are.

Gavin: Is that what you do?

Elias: Me? Oh no. My power is no illusion. I can fucking demolish you.


Elias: Wait, are you flirting with me?

Gavin: Have been for the past year, but thanks for noticing.


Joey: I lost Gavin!

Elias: How did you lose him!?

Joey: Give me a break, he's like, two inches tall.


Joey: You're violent.

Gavin: Yeah but I'm short, so it's adorable.


Gavin: I think I found a way to make money.

Joey: You'd make a decent stripper.

Gavin: I'd make an amazing stripper, but that's not what I'm talking about.


Hosuh: I'm cold.

Stephen: Here, take my jacket.

Gavin: I'm cold.

Elias: *sets the world on fire*


Stephen: So, what's it like being married to Elias?

Gavin: Well, once I asked him for a glass of water while he was pissed at me, and he brought me a glass full of ice and said "Wait".

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