Morning Breeze

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The cool air felt nice on my skin reminds me of living up in the clouds, I looked up at the sky while walking to the bus stop. The clouds were out and they made me smile, home was far but also close. I accidentally bumped into somebody while lost in my thoughts, and made him dropped his bag.

"Oops, sorry!" I stuttered out while picking up his bag and handing it to him.

"Thank you and don't worry about it," He took his bag and pulled it over his shoulder. He turned to talk to one of his friends before looking back at me.

"Hey, I've never seen you around, are you new?" He asked and looked at me.

"Ah, yeah... I recently moved here," I replied while looking down nervously. I haven't spoken to somebody in so long felt a bit weird.

"Really? What grade are you in?" He sounded intrigued.

"Oh... I'm a Junior," I replied more firmly.

"Hey! Me too!" He replied excitedly, his friends looked at me then back at each other continuing their conversations.

"Actually? Can you possibly show me around? I don't know where any of my classes are," I asked excitedly. Before he could answer the bus pulled up and people began getting on. I got on and sat down in the back, I was about to take off my bag before the guy from before sat down.

"Yeah, I can help you," He said looking at me. His friends sat around us still talking about other things.

"You can call me Dream, not my real name but my friends call me it," Dream said while glancing at his friends then back at me.

"Cool name! Just call me Karl not anything fancy like yours," I said then chuckled.

We talked a bit more about hobbies and such, I showed him my schedule and I had Gym with him and a few of his buds. Lunch period was determined by grade, Dream said I could sit at his table but don't sit in anyone's seat. Also, we are assigned to wear uniforms to prevent bullying to happen. Though it still does because this is life.

I hope there's a breeze every morning

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