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The gymnasium was on the bottom floor as well but hey it's the last period at least. Upon arriving I met up with Dream who was at the water fountain filling a bottle. We talked for a bit before heading into the locker room and changing. Walking out I didn't see the dark brown orbs following us as we lined up for attendance with our grade.

The coach pulled me aside and explained how this semester was gonna go. On the board, before you walk in there's a written of what we'll be doing for the week. This week was basketball and we were allowed to pick teams, though it was teams of three, unfortunately.

"Hey, Ka-" Dream was cut short before he could finish speaking.

"Karl is on my team," Alex spoke and walked up to me before yanking my arm. I was being pulled and I barely struggled, I kinda allowed him.

"Alex, who is this? Your boyfriend?" A senior spoke up, I'm guessing this was the other partner.

"Yeah, we started dating today and even had our first kiss," I replied, looking up at the older kid.

"Oh really?" He glanced at me with a sly yet shit-eating grin.

I noticed how Alex was silent, his body looked tense too. His grasp on me fell limp same with his eyes, staring hard at the clean floor.

"We aren't fucking dating, dumbass!" Alex finally snapped at the senior. "Schlatt, you think everything revolves around you and wished to kiss your feet, you are a disgusting pig," He spat at the older man.

"Huh? Did you take anything before school? You're moodier than ever," Schlatt replied, he stared blankly at Alex then at me.

"Alright, guys! Everyone in teams? Good! I'll come about with basketball balls for everyone, the teams will rotate clockwise!" The gym coach called out and went to go get the balls.

Alex was still sending Schlatt death stares while his hands were in fists. He walked up to him and got into his face yelling at him, I stood awkwardly while holding a basketball in my palms they felt sweaty. I was nervous.

The whistle blew and our first match began, Schlatt ignored Alex and kept passing to me. I did the same though I felt a bit bad for him. But, I decided to focus on winning and remembering what the letter said. Despite us only having two players we were winning and won the first match.

The teams rotated every 15 minutes and were against the last team. It was Dream and two of his buds, George and Snapnap. George was nice to me and cracked a bunch of jokes, Snapnap was also nice but a bit shy.

The strange thing was the atmosphere in the room changed once we went against them, even Alex began to get more aggressive than before.

"KARL! PASS TO ME, DIPSHIT," Alex yelled at me snapping me from my thoughts.

George stood in front of me blocking my view from him, I looked around for Schlatt before Dream ran past and stole the ball from me. Alex stares at me then ran at him, tackling him and grabbing the ball then passing it to Schlatt. He ran down the court and shot the hoop getting us a point.

We were catching our breaths, I looked over at Dream still on the ground in pure shock. I extended my arm out to help him up.

"Tch, of course, you'd do that," Alex snickered at me.

Dream made a sour face at him, he gave me a look then walked away to George whispering something to him. I raised my eyebrow at him before Schlatt called my name to pass the ball.

The game ended with us winning, we were panting from the amount of running. Schlatt waved me goodbye and punched Alex on the shoulder before heading off. Alex glared at me from a distance before coming up to me and asking to meet me after school about something. It peeked my curiously so I agreed.

While changing out of my gym clothes back into my uniform, Dream came up to me for a talk.

What does Dream want to talk about? Aren't we too worn out and sweaty to be having serious conversations? I mean Alex also had something...

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