Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

I got up and started to walk to her room. Charlie and Sienna gave me a look of encouragement. I am surprised they are being so nice to me.I knocked on the door. ‘Can I Come in?’ I hesitantly asked. Katie nodded. ‘So.’ Katie said. There was an awkward silence. ‘Don’t you remember anything?’ I asked. ‘No? I just know who my family are, why is that a problem? You don’t seem to really care?’ Katie said back sharp fully. I was so angry. I had never been angry at Katie before but now I was. ‘YOU DON’T THINK I CARE!!’ I yelled. ‘I HAVE BEEN IN THIS HOSPITAL ROOM FOR NEARLY TWO WEEKS WAITING FOR YOU TO WAKE UP!! I HAVE QUESITONED THE NURSES AND DOCTORS SO MUCH THEY CANT GIVE ME ANYMORE ANSWERS!! AND YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO SAY I DON’T CARE!!!’ I screamed. I started to cry and got up to leave. ‘Wait’ Katie said as she grabbed my hand. ‘I’m sorry, I just don’t know who you are and I don’t remember anything. I just don’t know what to say or do because I am now afraid to hurt the person that remembers me and I don’t remember them. I am sorry.’ Katie said. I shook her hand of my wrist. ‘Well it’s too late for sorry now isn’t it, you can’t take back your words or actions! Those words you said now and earlier will haunt me for the rest of my life. Thanks for saying you Hate me. I love you too.’ I said and I walked out. I went out to sienna and Charlie. Amelia was in the playroom again. ‘Would I be able to have a key to your house? I am making a present for Katie.’ I asked. I explained the surprise and they nodded .Charlie got his key out and handed it to me. Be quick though she might want to see you again. I nodded and ran out of the hospital to my bike. Paparazzi questioned me. I ignored. I drove to an old friend called Cacy. I explained the plan to her and she agreed she thought it was a good Idea. ‘I need the photos by tonight so I can blow them up and put them in the book and set up the room. Here is a memory stick in case there are some pictures on a device you can’t get off.’ She said. I nodded. We said our goodbyes and I drove to Katie’s house. I found pictures everywhere and put them in my bag. I went to her room and onto her phone. Millions of pictures of us. I plugged her phone into her laptop and put them onto the memory stick Cacy gave me. I gave Cacy the pictures and went back to the hospital. I waited with Sienna as Charlie had gone over to England early because as soon as Katie is discharged they are flying over there. A tear came to my eye. I loved Katie and her whole family, I couldn’t just let them go. But then I remembered my film I was in. ‘Sienna are you moving to London?’ I asked she nodded. ‘What’s your address?’ Sienna gave me the address and I put it onto my phone. A couple few days passed and Katie was finally discharged from hospital. Me, Sienna, Amelia, and Katie went home. Paparazzi followed us. When we got into the house, everyone went in except me. I started yelling at the paparazzi. I walked up to Katie’s room. So many memories were in this house. I came up behind her and put my hands around her waist. Katie shook me off. I was embarrassed. ‘Oh Yeah I am sorry, you don’t remember me.’I replied. I was about to turn round when Katie kissed me. I pulled away. ‘What was that for?’ I asked. ‘I don’t know, my body told me to so I did. Just because my brain doesn’t remember you doesn’t mean my body doesn’t.’ I smiled and so did Katie. ‘Katie I will see you later, I need to have a shower and eat because your flight is in a few hours and I want to be there.’ Katie nodded and I left. I said bye to sienna and Amelia and walked to my bike. The paparazzi had gone and I drove home. I got in, ate, showered and rang Cacy to see if everything was ready, it was. I pulled up in the car outside Katie’s house. Amelia was waiting outside. I got out and walked up to her. She ran to me. I picked her up and spun her around. ‘How are you beautiful?’ I asked. ‘I am good, I’m excited but Josh I am going to miss you loads.’ Amelia started to cry. ‘But Amelia, I will visit you all the time, and we can skype as well.’ She nodded. ‘Now get in cheeky,’ I told her. She got in. I ran to help sienna with the luggage. We put it all in the trunk and we were stood waiting for Katie. ‘Josh I am so sorry about what happened with Katie. I Know she does truly love you please don’t be upset. Stay in touch because I will make her remember you!’ I nodded. ‘At the airport I am going to take Amelia to buy some sweets. You check – in and meet me by the first set of escalators.’ Katie Began to come down the stairs. ‘oh hello darling’ Sienna said, in a way that it sounded like she was caught doing something that wasn’t meant to be done. ‘Are you okay?’ I asked. Katie nodded. ‘Are we going then?’ She asked spitefully. ‘Yeah give me your suitcase a-a-n-n-d-d’ I  said as I leaned into get Katie’s Suitcase. ‘NO! I will do it myself thanks.’Katie said as she walked to the trunk of a car. Katie got into the right side of the car next to Amelia. Sienna gave me the keys to lock up. She couldn’t face it. The trunk was still open so I shut it and got into the driver’s seat. ‘Okay, I will meet you there’ Sienna Mouthed to me. I nodded. We pulled up outside the airport and walked in. Katie began to cry. I grabbed her hand. She pulled away. ‘Katie we have to hold hands, the paparazzi think we are engaged. We need to do this, and carry up this act till you are in England. Okay?’ I said. She nodded and grabbed my hand. Paparazzi were questioning us all the time. ‘Just smiled and ignore them’ I said. ‘Okay’ She whispered back. Sienna checked them in, me and Amelia walked to the store in the airport. She got some sweets. I walked to the magazine isle. Full of magazines about me and Katie. I grabbed them all. I found Amelia. We paid for the sweets and magazines. We got to the escalators. Sienna was waiting. A bodyguard came up to us and led us into a dark room. ‘Now Amelia don’t say anything okay, not until I tell you too.’ Sienna says to Amelia, she nods. We walk in. Its pitch black them man positions us. So that Amelia is in the middle. A few minutes pass and the door opens and a light shines onto a book.When Katie shut the book all the lights turned on in the room. ‘Did you do this for me?’ Katie asked, No one said anything. ‘I did it.’ I said. Katie ran to me and hugged me.

A Dream Come True - Josh's POV A JOSH HUTCHERSON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now