Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: dragon delights


"Dancing is like dreaming with your feet." ~Constanze Mozart


Center Stage: Hermione Granger

Setting: Hermione's flat, downtown London


Splashing cool water in her face, Hermione tried to shake her mind from the memories of her dream to no avail. The clock hanging on her kitchen wall read 2:34am. Heaven's bells, she had work in the morning, but she was too shaken to fall asleep again.

In all honesty, Hermione was forced to admit she'd dreamed about none other than Draco Lucius Malfoy, arrogant heir to the pureblood dynasty and soon-to-be-married twat. The things he did to her -and how real it felt- left a conflictual bruise on her psyche.

Well, she thought to herself as she struggled to find the logic, Think about the events that transpired. Dreams are simply representations of what's on someone's mind. I obviously spent a great deal of time with him... Yes, that had to be it! She'd spent the majority of her afternoon literally fallinginto the arms of the taken man. There had been a close, physical proximity, not to mention the intimacy of dancing blindfolded, which would explain the lack of sight in the dream.

Oh, but why did it have to be about Malfoy? Couldn't it have been about Greg Diggle instead? She was a confident woman and no stranger to sex; after all, winning the War had brought out a new, exploratory side to the young woman. She and Ron had 'sewn their wild oats' so to speak, trying out every Kamasutra book she could find. So the fact she was having some wild sex fantasy wasn't even the problem. She'd had plenty of those, especially since she wasn't getting any as of late.

It was the fact that it was of Draco Malfoy. Draco. Bloody. Malfoy. Well, there was a physical attraction, sure. The man had a strong, chiseled jaw, the cheekbones of a greek god, and those eyes...they couldn't possibly be natural, could they? At least, not without a bit of magic added to the genome...Strong jaw. Pretty eyes. He has a nice symmetry to his face and body... from what is visible... and he's got a fair complexion, and I have a darker one, and we always subconsciously look for a partner who is our opposite so our offspring is as healthy as possible... Okay, maybe she should take a break on the Discovery Channel for a moment. Any way I spin it, it's no wonder a sexually active (okay, inactive) witch like me would find him arousing.

But he was a taken man. Hermione was NOT the kind of witch who coveted other people's trophy husbands. She knew her self-worth, thank you very much.

Perhaps she was ovulating, and her body was simply looking for a potential mating partner?

Okay, seriously. No more Discovery Channel -because even that thought left a bitter taste in her mouth when her subconscious brought up a veryhorrifying thought: if she was looking for a partner, why wouldn't she be fantasizing about Ron? He was a perfectly logical choice -timid and kind; the type of partner one could count on to raise children correctly. And she had said he was perfect for a future...again, if she were honest, she'd admit Ron just wasn't as handsome as Draco Malfoy.

Oh, dear Circe. What had she just thought?

Well, in that case, said her logical side, Greg Diggle is every bit as handsome as Malfoy, and you didn't blink an eye once in your dream about him.

Yes, but she didn't know Greg, did she? He was a complete wildcard!

And you know Draco Malfoy all that much better?

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