Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: Dessert part 2.


"We should take this back to my place"

That's what she said right to my face
'Cause I want you bad
Yeah, I want you, baby
I've been thinking 'bout it all day
And I hope you feel the same way, yeah
'Cause I want you bad
Yeah, I want you, baby

Slow, slow hands
Like sweat dripping down our dirty laundry
No, no chance
That I'm leaving here without you on me

"Slow Hands" by Niall Horan


Center Stage: Hermione and Draco

Setting: Hermione's Apartment Complex


They landed with a pop in the back alley of Hermione's apartment building, fingers twisted in each other's clothing and tongues meeting - a complete mess of hormones. Draco felt Hermione giggle against his mouth when he nearly tripped over his own feet as they arrived, but it didn't stop him from curling a sure hand around her waist, drunk not on ale but on the way she kissed him.

Merlin, how long had he wanted this, right here? To touch and be touched by Hermione Granger, to feel every inch of her pressed against him? Far too long. And now that it was a reality, all he could do was go with the flow, so to speak, and try not to make a bloody fool of himself.

"So...about this dessert," he whispered between kisses.

Hermione pulled away from his lips long enough to say, "Follow me," before taking his hand and leading him out of the alleyway and forcing them to walk into the building the muggle way. Draco hated it; every slow step put his nerves into a frenzy, and he wished to simply Apparate into her apartment before he was left a puddle of anxiousness on the floor. However, that sort of option was ruled out by the fact that muggles lived in this building, and any bit of magic would send them screaming down the stairs in a fit of confusion. Dolts, he thought. The lot of them.

When they arrived at the elevator, Draco felt his hands begin to sweat, so he feigned a yawn as an excuse to pry his hand from hers and casually wipe it down the back of his trousers. They waited for two sets of people to step off the elevator before Hermione dragged him in by his wrist and pressed him up against the elevator wall just as the door dinged shut.

"Hello," she said.

Draco smirked. "Hello. Not having second thoughts, are we?"

Hermione blinked once, rather serious. "No. Are you?"

"What?" He frowned. "Why would I?"

"Well, I'm just making sure."

The mood was doused out like candlelight. Draco grumbled as the elevator dinged back open and let three others onto the lift. Sighing, he ran his hands through his hair and watched Hermione straighten her stance and lean against the wall beside him, hands crossed over her front idly: the epitome of proper posture. Great. Now things were awkward. How the Hell was he supposed to come back from this?


"That's us," Hermione said, glancing up at him. "Coming?"

"Preferably more than once this evening," he teased, making her blush bright crimson as they stepped out of the lift and into the hallway. Onward they went until they arrived in front of her door. Draco didn't let her reach for her keys - he simply snapped his fingers, unlocked her door, and pushed it open with a wink. "Are you coming?" he asked, noting the way she stood stalk-still in the hallway.

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