Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: follow my lead:


"Well, get up, up on the dancefloor, move, it's a Saturday night

I fell in love with the sparkle in the moonlight

Reflected in your beautiful eyes

I guess that is destiny doing it right

And dance like they do in the Mediterranean

Spin you around me again and again, and

You're like something that God has sent me

I want you, baby, solamente"

~Barcelona by Ed Sheeran


Stage Right: Draco and Hermione
Setting: Spain! The whole lot of it. Namely, Barcelona.


They ended up touring the shops for a nice portion of the afternoon in the wizarding part of Spain: Barcelona. The colorful buildings and rich architecture left Hermione's eyes in a blur they zipped from one store to the other, not to buy - simply to observe. There was rich history in each of the buildings they stepped inside, and Hermione couldn't help rambling off facts she'd learned from this book or that in regards to Spain's distinctive culture.

By the time two in the afternoon rolled around, Hermione had coerced Draco into the local, muggle museums. "We could learn about the Spanish Inquisition."

"Really? You want to dredge down that dark alleyway of history?" Draco scoffed, though at the end of it, he added a hint of a smirk. Their hands remained woven together like patchwork as they weaved through the crowds at the various displays of the museum.

Hermione seemed quite comfortable on the outside, but on the inside, she was as nervous as a cat having been thrown out into the front lawn while having never spent one day outside. This was new, frightening, and above all else: confusing. Her mind told her not to get too worked up, that they were simply friends out on the town together. But her heart, and her stomach, told her differently. They whispered together and plotted against her, muttering on about hand holding and that kiss on the cheek.

"Muggle history is far less fascinating," Draco drawled, giving a hearty yawn when their tour was over. "And it makes me hungry all over again."

"We could see if one of the street vendors has anything to offer," Hermione replied as they stepped out of the museum and into the blaring sunlight. Someone bumped shoulders with Draco, sending him slightly off balance, and he released her hand momentarily to find a sturdy standing once more. They both glanced down at their fingers, now apart, and wondered what to do.

Hermione boldly offered her hand back out to him, nodding once. Draco visibly swallowed, even more pale than usual, and then he took her hand in his, tighter than before. "Where next?" he asked, pulling her close to him. It looked to be because a group of people threatened to pull them apart again, but Hermione had an inkling it might have something to do with wanting to be next to her. She flushed cherry pink on her cheeks as she scanned her eyes down the streets in search of food.

"There. That looks good, doesn't it?" She pointed to a nearby vendor stand with a sign that read 'Empanadas.'

Draco narrowed his eyes, skeptical. "Are we sure that's what we want?"

"Why not?"

"Does it even look edible?"

"Oh, hush." She yanked him by the arm and began to drag him over to the stand. "You shouldn't be so closed-minded."

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