Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: a broken wing


"I can't tell if it's killing me or making me stronger."



Center Stage: The Whole Crew
Setting: Hermione's VERY CRAMPED apartment


"Have you seen the headline for today's Quibbler?" asked Ron, glancing around at his partners in crime (Hermione, Draco, Astoria, Blaise, Daphne, Harry, and Ginny) as they all sat at Hermione's table, gathered for breakfast the next morning. The table had been spelled to seat all of them, which made the tiny apartment cramped. Hermione's chair was brushed up against the sofa, which didn't bother her, but she did notice Draco's discomfort at being wedged in between Harry and Daphne with little room to maneuver. Still, no one complained as Ron passed down his newspaper to Hermione, who beamed as she read the words:

Malfoy Family Scandal: War Heroine and Hero Take Up Arms For Small Businesses

"Well, now," she said, grinning ear to ear, "That's something, isn't it?"

Blaise gave a shrug, digging into his sausage links with a fork, cutting them up into small pieces like an aristocratic heir he was. "I wouldn't get too excited until we read what's in the Daily."

"Which should be arriving any minute," said Astoria, a hopeful gleam in her eye.

"Still, it's nice to know Luna's got our back," Ron chimed in, waving around his glass of orange juice in enthusiasm.

"Of course Lovegood has your back," snapped Daphne curtly. "She's your friend. Blaise is right. Let's see how the wolves descend."

"That's not putting much faith in our Hermione," said Ginny with reproach.

"They aren't worried about Hermione's image," said Draco quietly, having not touched a bit of food on his plate. "It's mine they're concerned with."

"That Skeeter," Harry muttered under his breath, and Draco nodded in agreement.

"Precisely. You might have been able to put her in her place, Potter, but that doesn't mean she won't retaliate with a fierce storm of words which could make or break this protest."

"Well, I still have faith," Ron grumbled, stuffing an entire slice of toast in his mouth.

Hermione wanted to reach over the table and squeeze Draco's hand, but she knew better than to do so. With this many people around, he was about as vulnerable as a Mandrake in Winter. Any little thing could set him off, and so she sat quietly, trying her best to shovel some eggs into her mouth, even though she felt like vomiting.

The minutes dragged on as everyone exchanged the latest gossips. George wasn't here on account of being busy securing a new business idea to partner with the broom store across the street. It was a silly proposal, but one that might benefit both stores. Though, Hermione still thought the idea of broomsticks that wrote out people's insecurities in colorful smoke was a bit rude.

Tap, tap, tap!

All eyes darted to the kitchen window where a large owl pecked on the glass as it balanced on the ledge. Ron, who was closest, stood, wiped his chin with the back of his hand, and scuttled his way through the cramped kitchen to the window. As he opened it, the owl flew in without hesitation, dropping a large, rolled edition of the Daily on the counter. Ron moved to reach for his pockets and pay the bird, but it had already made its way back out the window.

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