Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Tension


"Sex alleviates tension Love causes it" ~Woody Allen


Center Stage: Hermione Granger
Setting: Diggle's Dance Studio


Hermione inhaled breath after breath, trying to calm her nerves as she waited outside Studio uno in preparation for today's actual dance lesson. She wore a light sweater and a pair of khakis, having just come back from spending the afternoon with her parents. She wasn't prepared for dance class, but she hadn't had time to go back and change, considering her parents had bombarded her with all of the usual questions: "Are you dating anyone new? How is Ronald, dear? Have you thought about settling down and becoming a dentist?"

She was in the middle of debating about transfiguring her clothing when Ginny strolled down the hallway and gave her outfit a once over. "Muchbetter."

"Excuse me?"

"Your clothes for dance!"

"These aren't my dance clothes!" Hermione gasped in horror, glancing down at her attire. "I just came from my parents!"

"Oh." Ginny blinked. "Well, you should consider keeping them. You look much more comfortable in your own skin this way."

"I agree!" called a sweet, airy voice from down the hallway. Astoria Greengrass came into full view wearing a flowy, floral skirt and ruffled blouse that hugged her curves in all the right ways. Her hair was the epitome of kempt; compared to Hermione's unruly curls and frumpy attire, the other woman looked like a princess. She even wore two clips in her hair that resembled tiny butterflies, spelled to flap their crystal wings every few seconds or so. Ginny gave the girl a skeptical look as she approached. Hermione, on the other hand, felt rather guilty standing before Astoria after having fantasized about her future husband on multiple occasions this week. Not that she could help it, but still...

"Hello," said Astoria cheerfully, glancing between the two.

"Where's your arm candy?" Ginny blurted out suddenly, to which Hermione elbowed her in the side and sent her an incredulous look.

"Draco is having lunch with his mother," Astoria replied, brushing down the ruffles in her skirt. "He should be here soon. - I'm glad I've caught you, actually, Miss Weasley. I'm sure by now your - well, what is he? Boyfriend? Has he not popped the question yet?" She gave a small twitter. "In any case, I'm sure Auror Potter has informed you of the invitation I've extended to him, and in short, to you in regards to the wedding?"

Hermione was fairly decent at reading people; she could tell Astoria meant no harm - but it didn't make what she said any better, and she had to hold her friend back from charging at her by quickly casting a wordless sticking charm to Ginny's shoes to keep her rooted to her spot. The woman turned as red as her hair, the freckles on her nose barely visible in the presence of her blushing skin.

"Harry did tell me, yes..." Ginny grumbled, crossing her arms.

"Wonderful," Astoria beamed. "And you, Miss Granger? Have you-"

"-Found my plus one? Yes, I have," Hermione replied, a bit crisper than intended. Oh, but what the Hell, yes? For once, she didn't feel like the general outcast; if anything, she and Ginny felt like the cool kids at the lunch table, and Astoria gave off the timid impression of the girl trying to fit in. How very strange.

Astoria inhaled a deep breath, wearing her best forced smile. "Wonderful to hear. How goes the dance lessons with Draco?"


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