Chapter 38

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Chapter 38: The calm before the storm


"If it doesn't challenge you
It doesn't change you"
~Fred DeVito


Center Stage
Full Cast


Morning came, just as it always did, but this time it came with a sense of purpose. A cool blanket of nervousness settled on the shoulders of Draco, sending a shiver down his backbone. With heavy eyes and a foggy (but elated by last night's events) brain, he stepped out of the WWW and inhaled the scent of rainwater that drenched the streets. As luck would have it, the sun had decided to make an appearance, despite the storms only hours ago,

He caught sight of Hermione walking alongside Greg Diggle, no doubt discussing how best to set up the dance stage for today's festivities. He knew just as well as they all did that they didn't acquire the proper permits to host such an event, but desperate times called for desperate measures, and should this work, he'd gladly pay the fee later.

"Thank you, Greg. This means so much to us," Hermione could be heard from the base of the stage.

"It's the least I could do..." Diggle replied. "After my father mucked up your opening night..."

"Don't be too hard on him...he's struggling. Have you spoken to him?"

Greg Diggle scoffed indignantly.

"Everyone is struggling," said Draco, approaching the two with his arms crossed. "Doesn't make what he did right. But Hermione is correct about one thing - family can be a royal pain in your arse, but you'll always eventually be forced to face them. It's your choice on how you want to lay out the battlefield."

"I take it yours is a stage?" quipped Greg.

"Something like that." Draco quirked an eyebrow. "I was made for the stage, you know. Have you seen my jawline?"

"Oy, oy, oy!" It was Blaise from down the road, waving his arms and grinning. He jogged up to the three and wrapped an arm around Draco's neck, effectively pulling him off his axis and nearly toppling him over.

"You look well rested," Draco sneered dully, attempting to pry Blaise off of him.

"I provided an entire inventory of dance shoes to the cause. I think that makes me entitled to a decent night's rest. Besides, Daphne needs me to take care of her." With a flick of his wand, a sign for his designer accessories line appeared. It floated in the air, sentinel, as if looking for a wall to hang from.

"What's that?"

"It's to put up in the shop window."

"Really?" Draco finally freed himself from Blaise's grasp. "You're going to use the shop to advertise?"

"Considering he's done us a solid, I'd hang fifty of them," said George from the doorway.

"Oh, good," said Blaise. "Because I've also got some business cards..." He abandoned Draco and followed George inside to talk shop, much to the amusement of Hermione, who was smiling like a cat that had caught her mouse.

"What's that look about?" asked Draco.

"Everyone's getting along," she stated with a lilt. "It's a rare sight." Shaking herself from her thoughts, she added with a shrug, "Business is business. I wish I could invite the Red Hat Society. They'd be oh-so-thrilled to see the performance."

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