Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Friendly


Edge of stage right: Draco Malfoy and 'friend'

Setting: somewhere in a dream


"Oh, Merlin...suck it, yes, just like that...slower...yes," Draco hissed out between clenched teeth, running his fingers through her curly strands. The pressure around his cock was exquisite; he never wanted to come down from the high of her lips around his shaft and her tongue doing those naughty little movements, adding pressure in all the right ways. "Swallow my cock."

The witch below him giggled, bathing in the praises. The vibration of her throat nearly forced him to come apart then and there, but he bit his tongue and distracted himself long enough to fist her hair and pull her off of him so he could look her in the face. Soft, brown eyes glistened up at him with obedient splendor, yet they still danced with a hint of rebellion. Wait - why were they brown? Astoria's eyes were green. The rest of the face fell into focus, and he realized who sat nestled between his legs on the floor of his study, one hand on each of his thighs.

"Something wrong?" she asked, her eyelashes fluttering.

Lucid dreaming wasn't a common occurrence to Draco, but he recognized the signs immediately. "Why you?" he blurted out, trailing a thumb down her cheek and over to her pouty lips. She opened her mouth obediently, swiping her tongue across the pad of his finger. "Out of any witch, why is it you I keep fantasizing about?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?" she answered with an identical timbre to the real witch, climbing up into his lap and curling her legs around his hips. The only thing she wore was a thin scrap of a nightdress, but even that left nothing to the imagination. He could see her pert nipples through the fabric and could feel every rib and muscle in her abdomen as his fingers slid possessively down her sides. "I inspire you."

"Inspire?" he snorted a laugh, even as her hands slid over his and guided his fingers over her breasts with delicate movements. "What could I possibly need inspiration for?"

"How should I know? This is your dream," she whispered, now taking one of his hands and sliding it down her chest, her stomach, all the way to the hem of her nighty. "I'm merely a manifestation. The lesson is yours to figure out."

"Even in my dreams, you're still Granger, aren't you?" he muttered, deliberating how far he should take this dream now that he was aware it was one. "Always trying to teach everyone a lesson." He rested his fingers on her thigh, digging them in and earning a satisfied hiss from the brunette. She wanted him, that was for sure, and Draco couldn't deny this dream version of himself wanted her, too.

"Draco..." she murmured, closing her eyes. "Draco, wake up...Draco..."

"Draco, wake up."

Draco Malfoy bolted awake, eyes wide as he stared up at the face of Astoria Greengrass hovering over him in his bed, her soft hair tickling his face. "There you are, sleepy head." Her cool hand stroked down his cheek.

"What time is it?" he grumbled, eyes turning to the curtains to assess the sunlight; there was none to be found. "And why do you smell like a vineyard?"

"Daphne and I...we might have had a little to drink," Astoria giggled, brushing her nose against his. "I'm sorry. I was harsh on you in dance class. Daphne says I need to," hiccup, "learn to not hold my," hiccup, "feelings in until they explode." She snuggled into Draco's side and ran her hand down his abdomen to his lounge pants. "Speaking of explosions...someone was having a nice dream. Want me to fix the problem?"

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